The L Word

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Season 7 Episode Truth Part 1

Tasha held on to Alice.

"I promise I'm never letting you go." Tasha whispered to Alice. As Alice cried into Tasha's shoulder. Tina held Angelica calming her as she looked at Bette. Tina knew that Bette was the last one to see Jenny. Officer Leslie Brown stared at the room of lesbians and the pregnant man. She had to figure out just who killed Jenny Scheter.

"So who was the last one to see Jenny alive?" Leslie looked from woman to woman.

Tina looked at Bette. Bette stood up.

"I did." Bette spoke as everyone looked at her.

 "Come with me." Leslie motioned for Bette to follow her.

Bette followed officer Leslie into the other room.

"Have a seat for me?" Leslie pointed to the empty chair.

Bette took a seat as she crossed her legs and stared at the officer.

"What is your name?" Leslie asked.

"Bette Porter." Bette answered.

"Tell me Ms. Porter just what were you and Jenny talking about?" Leslie asked.

"Kit, my sister, told me that Jenny had a video of me going down on another woman. Which I dismissed and told Kit that it wasn't what it looked like. Kit left the room. I admit I was a bit pissed about the whole thing. Jenny has messed up the relationship between Dyln and Helena. Jenny soon came into the room after wanting me to come see the movie she made for me and Tina. I confronted her about it. I admit that I have cheated in the past and I wasn't going to do it again. I love Tina so damn much and I wish to someday ask her to be my wife. I left Jenny alone in the room. Angelica was starting to fuss so I got her and went downstairs." Bette uncrossed her legs and looked at the Officer.

"Once downstairs what did you notice?" Leslie asked trying to get to the bottom of who could've killed Jenny.

"I noticed that Shane wasn't in the room and either was Max." Bette stared at the woman.

"Did either of them have problems with Jenny?" Leslie asked knowing the answer already from what she read in the case file.

"Yes we all had our problems with Jenny. That's the truth." Bette looked down. "But I didn't kill her."

"Who you do think did it?" Leslie asked.

"Leslie if I can call you that. We are a close group of friends. I'm not going to participate in the man hunt to figure out who killed Jenny. She was a psychopath anyways. She stole her own movie. She hid the letter that Molly wrote to Shane. She offended Max at his baby shower. She stole Alice's idea for a screen play. She turned Kit against me with the whole video." Bette frowned. "She made all our lives hell."

"Ms. Porter I get where your going with this. Jenny wasn't a good person but she was still murdered and I want to know the reason why." Leslie stated.

"Well your not going to get it from me. For I don't have the answer." Bette spoke.

"Then I best start questioning someone else." Leslie stood up.

Bette got up and went to the living room to sit next to Tina.

"Shane can I speak to you." Leslie looked at the young woman who had bad news written all over her.

Shane got up and into the other room.

"Tell me Shane when was the last time you seen Jenny." Leslie started off the questioning.

"When she was shooting the going away video for Bette and Tina. I ran into Molly who was my ex girlfriend at the store when I was trying to buy Bette and Tina's going away present. She told me that she dropped my jacket off and told Jenny to give me the note." Shane crossed her legs as she looked at the Officer trying to figure out just what team she batted for.

"Which Jenny never gave to you?" Leslie questioned.

"Correct." Shane replied simply.

"So you killed her?" Leslie said.

"No I may be a player but I would never kill anyone even if I hated them. If anything Tina would be the one considering Jenny stole her own movie screwing Tina out of millions." Shane stated.

"So your blaming Tina?" Leslie tried to figure out.

"No, Just stating what's going on. Jenny was a control freak she wanted it her way or no way." Shane said with conviction.

"Have you ever said you wanted to kill Jenny Scheter?" Leslie asked remembering what she read in the case file.

"Yes but who hasn't." Shane stated firmly.

"There's a woman dead and you are thinking this is some kind of joke." Leslie shook her head.

"If you knew Jenny you would understand." Shane said as she got up and walked out of the room. Leslie stood up. There was only one way to solve this take everyone downtown and questioning them without fear of anyone over hearing what is being said. Walking into the living room Leslie stopped in front of everyone. She never been in a room full of lesbians like this, with her job she kept her sexuality under wraps.

"I'm going to need you all to come downtown so I can talk to you one by one. There's a woman dead and no one is giving any answers." Leslie ordered the group of woman.

"We're a close knit of friends." Alice stated in between sobs.

"We have no problem doing what you say." Bette stood up.

"Do we really have to put Angelica through this?" Tina asked.

"Will Helena be able to watch her?" Tasha asked.

Bette picked up the phone. "If it's okay with you officer I would like to call Helena and have her come watch Angelica."

"That's fine." Leslie waved her hand.

Bette dialed the phone and listening as Helena picked up. "Helena it's Bette. I need you to come over to our house. We got a bit of a situation and need you to watch Angelica while we are gone." Bette paused. "Fine Dyln can come with."

About five minutes Helena walked in without Dyln. "What the fuck is going on?"

Bette raised her eyebrows at Helena.

"Sorry. Just it's like cop-fest out there." Helena looked at Leslie. "No offense."

"None taken." Leslie looked her up and down then turned away. Helena was gorgeous no doubt but she was obviously taken by Dyln. Who just walked in and looked at Leslie with a cold stare.

"Hey baby." Dyln went over and kissed Helena. "Took me a bit to find a spot to park. What's going on?"

"That's something that cant be discussed right now." Leslie spoke up. "Now that you have Helena here we can head out to the police station."

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