His strategy? annoy them all to death

Start from the beginning

                Gwen quickly pulled out her knife and reloaded her gun as she ran to Skye’s side. The movement caused Alex to look over at her and his sneer only grew bigger.

“Well well well, look who’s here to save the prince, the mighty princess- oh, wait your just a commoner,” Alex taunted her as she came closer, though to Skye’s disappointment he kept his attention on Skye. The words shot Gwen right where they hurt; she knew she wasn’t good enough for Skye but in the middle of battle wasn’t the time to dwell on it.

Curious she quickly assessed the situation and realized why both men were at a standstill. They both had shields up making bullets impossible. Looking at Alex she realized that the earlier knife wound to his shoulder was the only hit he had taken.

“Well at least I don’t hide behind my shield, come on Alex fight like a man, unless your to scared to actually fight a girl.” Gwen taunted figuring that injuring his male pride was the only way to turn this into a semi fair fight. To prove her point Gwen unsheathed her sword and swung it at Alex hoping to catch him unaware as Skye used his wind magic as a distraction. The second the sword got an inch away from Alex it burned hot, forcing Gwen to drop the sword with a curse.

Gwen’s curse distracted Skye as he checked to make sure she was okay, giving Alex the perfect opportunity to punch him in the face. Startled Skye fell back, only to attract a hell hounds attention. This meant that Skye had to focus on the hell hound instead of Alex and Gwen like he so desperately wanted to.

Alex turned on her again laughing, “You thought I’d be unprepared? A true man is always prepared, and I’m not hiding behind my shield I’m using them!” Alex taunted, his fire powers telling him that somehow she had been weakened, though it didn’t tell him how or why. An evil glint came into his eyes and Gwen stepped back, this wasn’t good. She turned out to be right as suddenly Alex pushed his firewall out towards Gwen causing her to fall back or get burned by the oppressive heat surrounding him. She wasn’t fast enough and some of her got singed as she was backed into the wall of the cave. Her magic was proving difficult to get to, there was a reason she had been hesitant to come straight after Alex, a reason she had hidden so deep she had almost forced herself to forget it, every fairy has a weakness. Gwen’s weakness was being burned; if her skin got burned her powers deserted her. A lesser fairy would have been knocked unconscious and physically weakened two, Airabella the first fairy had been fainted every time she touched gold.

A quick glance around proved everyone to be distracted on their own fights especially since more hell hounds had joined the fray and now Jake was trying his best to help dowse them in water. Quickly Gwen turned off her headphone as Alex slowly stalked towards her, she was tired of hearing what the other fighters were talking about, tired off max asking what was going on, she didn’t want them to hear her go down anyway. Gwen had felt the familiar feeling of being pray creep up her back. “You’re not good enough for anything are you? You can’t even fight me, you should know better than to play with fire. Your just a no good commoner, you’re not worthy of this battle and you’re not worthy of your darling prince,” Alex spat as he advanced towards her.

It was a feeling she hated, a feeling she had spent most of her life fighting, she didn’t want to be his prey. In that instant defiance swelled up within her. This wasn’t going to happen the way Alex planned; she wouldn’t let this happen to her again. She was nobody’s prey. Summoning the strength inside her, Gwen breathed out, her body lost its tense look puzzling Alex as to her sudden change. He had preferred when she looked vulnerable, now he didn’t know what trick was to come. It certainly did come, one instant Gwen was there, pressed to the cave wall by a wall of heat, the next thing there was, hurricane force winds sweeping around them, not touching the others in the cave. Suddenly Alex was seeing double, then triple, then he was surrounded by Gwen’s all around him. His very mind became confused and dizzy, the images of his life flashed around him like a dream, like a nightmare. Suddenly everything picked up speed, flashing faster and faster spinning faster and faster. It confused his very soul until suddenly everything Alex knew went dark. Gwen watched with a sense of satisfaction as his body went limp and fell to the floor. She was no longer below with the fighting and chaos but above in an outcrop of the cave.

With satisfaction she switched her headphone back on and listened to the fighting as she watched and decided her next move. She had used up all of her powers and she didn’t know if she would ever be strong enough to regain them but she was still standing, she could still fight. Looking down she watched as Nick, Luke, and Skye got cornered by ten hell hounds, the rest were too busy to help as they fought off the fire vampire and the air fey. Both were using magic but would be taken down soon enough, that much was clear. Giuseppe was still busy with Shards so Gwen prepared herself to help Skye. Looking around she tried to find the best way to get down, she had used the last of her magic to get up there. Slowly she spotted Simon who was still in bird form, reporting to Max what was happening down below.

Standing up Gwen let out a low whistle towards Simon who spotting her flew towards her.

“Come on,” Simon called to her, already having had the vision of what she planned to do. He had been unhelpful thus far since he had been visionless for the majority of the battle so Gwen was glad he had finally come through. Stepping back Gwen took a running leap and landed squarely on Simon’s feathery back as he had been unable to land or fly to close to her ledge. Moving swiftly and avoiding stray bullets Simon flew over the hell hounds and Gwen quickly jumped down into a roll as she landed next to Skye.

“Hello, thought I’d drop by and help,” She told Skye helpfully as she readied her gun and began shooting, careful not to get burned again.

“Heh, glad you could make it, what happened with Alex? Sorry I couldn’t help.” Skye asked feeling truly guilty that he had abandoned her to him.

“He’s dealt with, it’s better that way, I’m not sure you would have been able to take care of him, him having been so close to you and all.” Gwen said shifting uncomfortably as she threw a dagger strait into a snapping hell hound’s mouth. The resulting howl of pain made them both pause before they could hear each other talk again.

“Thank you,” was all Skye could respond with, “You know it’s not true.-“Skye broke off to strangle a hell hound with his magic.

“What’s not true?” Gwen prompted.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re a commoner, I love you anyway.” Skye told her softly as he reloaded his gun, it was very tricky to shoot a hell hound. Their fire melts the bullets so the only spot they could be shot was their underside.

“Maybe, but your people might care,” Gwen said softly but Skye didn’t hear her as he shot at the mass of hell hounds in front of them. Sighing Gwen dropped it and joined him in his shooting.

It took about another hour before Cameron finally decided that she was tired of fighting, in defiance she reached out grabbed the air fey by the throat and electrocuted him to death. Jamie who was finally done with the water mirror helped Ryan out by drowning the fire vampire in holy water while Ryan used the earth to hold him down. Meanwhile Gwen told Luke to get creative which prompted him to create a huge wave from a stream at the back of the cave which extinguished the hell hounds fire for just long enough for Nick, Skye, and Gwen to shoot them without having to worry about melted bullets. At the same time Rob and Jake helped Giuseppe to finish of Shards.

In the end, Gwen quickly surveyed the damage; her team, Rob’s team, and Skye’s team were all disheveled and in need of medical help but Gwen knew they would all be alright. As for herself, she had few outward injuries except for a nasty burn on her forearm that she was keeping hidden from Skye but knew that her magic would be gone for a while and the emotional toll of the evening would be stuck with her for life. Sighing she called for Max and accepted Skye’s overprotective insistence that he help her onto the air ship.

Goddess of the Night: a soul book storyWhere stories live. Discover now