Is that a good feature for a class president to have? Who knows. At least I'd be able to lord it over everyone, which would be hilarious.

"Be quiet!" a familiar, irritated voice piped up from the front of the class.

She snorted with amusement as Iida started to wave his arms about in the Typical Onion Chopping Fashion™ and shout about how they needed to vote.

"Yo, that's actually a good idea." (Y/N) finally spoke up, but was contradicted by Kirishima.

"Won't everyone just vote for themselves though?" Most of the class seemed to agree, with Hagakure, the invisible girl, mentioning that they didn't trust each other enough yet.

"Well sure, but that means whoever actually gets more than one vote must be qualified for the job, right?" the girl shrugged, leaning back in her seat.

"Exactly, (L/N)! I'm glad you understand! Don't you agree, sensei?" Iida yelled across the room to Aizawa, who honestly just seemed like he was craving death.

After he muttered a vague answer about figuring something out before class ended, the votes were collected. After a lot of thought, (Y/N) herself had voted for Iida. After all, it was his idea, and honestly after the chaos of voting she was a lot less enthusiastic about becoming class president and having to be responsible for this nest of gremlins.

Thankfully though, her prophecy had come true and Izuku hadn't broken any bones. (For once in his life.)

Instead though, he'd somehow ended up as class president, with three votes. Yaoyorozu had gotten two and become vice-president, prompting (Y/N) to give her a grin and a thumbs up, which she returned. Maybe I should have voted for her instead. Ah well.

"Who the fuck voted for Deku?!" Bakugou's abrasive voice made her sigh irritably and facepalm. Just when I thought he was calming down.


Thankfully, class ended soon after that, leaving her sitting with Izuku, Iida and Uraraka at lunch.

"Whoah, I can't believe how popular you are!" the girl grinned, punching Izuku lightly in the shoulder. "Didn't think this would be your kind of thing, to be honest, but I bet you'll be great."

As he turned into a tomato and stuttered a 'thanks', (Y/N) turned her attention to the others, and was just about to ask who they voted for when an alarm blared above her head.

Cursing under her breath, she glanced around to see the cafeteria in absolute chaos. "What's going on? Is this the fire alarm?" Standing on her chair, she tried to see over the crowd, but got knocked by someone's shoulder as they charged past and got swept into the panic. She stumbled along in the crowd before tripping and feeling herself being shoved downwards in the panic.

Between being elbowed and kicked, she managed to struggle to her feet again, hearing her friends yelling her name faintly in the distance. I have to get out of this crowd.

Barging in the opposite direction to everyone else, she eventually reached a corridor where only a few stragglers were running. Wheezing, she leaned against the window to catch her breath, but caught sight of something that made her freeze.

The gate at the front of the school was.. not there. It looked like it had been melted- hell, bits of it were scattered in all directions, and the crowd outside was nowhere to be seen.

In the distance, she faintly registered a voice- is that Iida?- shouting that there was no danger, and reporters had just managed to get into school grounds. But a deep sense in her gut told her to be careful.

Would they go this far for an interview? And why now? Wouldn't it have made more sense to break in earlier, before lessons started?

A hand on her shoulder jolted (Y/N) back into reality, and she turned to see most of the crowd had disappeared, and Uraraka was standing beside her looking at her with concern.

"Hey, (L/N), are you okay? I've been looking for you for ages! And you're covered in bruises!"

"..Yeah, I'm fine, I think.." she stammered, still feeling slightly strange. Uraraka gave her a concerned glance, but led the way back to the classroom, where the rest of the class was waiting.


"I'm telling you, guys, it was obliterated. Something's not right, and it worries me." 

Back in class, (Y/N), Iida, Uraraka and Izuku were crowded around a desk as the girl attempted to explain her story. All of them were slightly worried; she was messing with her hair, which she only did when she was genuinely nervous or annoyed, and she was bruised and cut from being trampled. Plus, she looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"It could have been one of the reporters' quirks, maybe..?" Uraraka commented, patting her friend on the back in an attempt to comfort her.

"I guess.. I'm probably panicking over nothing. Sorry.." The girl gave a shaky sigh and sat down again at her desk as Izuku stood up to make an announcement.

"I think Iida should be the class president! He calmed everyone down, and I think he'd be better for this position." he half-yelled, seeming uncomfortable with all the attention.

Everyone seemed to agree, and the girl just shrugged. "I mean, I voted for him anyway. He'll be great."

"I'm honoured that you voted for me, (L/N)! And I'm also honoured to receive the responsibility of class president from you, Midoriya! I will do my best not to let either of you down!" Honestly, Iida looked like he was about to explode from happiness, so (Y/N) forced her anxiety to the back of her mind and smiled. 

We'll be fine. At the end of the day, this is just a school. What's the worst that could happen?

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