Chapter 2: Strikes Fast and Warring Soul

Start from the beginning

I blushed as he smiled at me. He knew that I did my research and I have heard some weird things about how Twin Kindred make love to their wife.

But to me, it was impossible. One warrior is built on a massive scale, even bigger than an average Earth male. And their cocks are also built the same way. I have heard enough gossip from several wives on board about their alien husband's lovemaking and somehow for someone who has never known a man's touch....

It was a scary thing. I mean having a huge cock shoved inside you will no doubt break you and the pain after is even more frightening. With the twin Kindreds, two huge penises in one opening just do not add up.

My fear must have shown in my face and it might be because I was suddenly sweating that Lock tried to pacify me.

"We are not asking you to surrender to them, Ms. Williams. But you have spent 2 years on this ship and have you ever seen a Kindred mistreat his wife?"

That made me think back.

No, in fact they seem content and weirdly happy in fact.

"That is because we love our females to distraction, We would never hurt them. I and my brother would die protecting our wife and sons before that happens." Deep said. "All I am saying is that at least give the twins who called you a chance. "

He pulled a small tech-pad and threw it towards me, I caught it and the screen displayed the rules for the Claiming Period between me and the Twins who would claim me.

I read through it carefully and somehow it eased my fears a bit but also made me even more nervous. I had questions...more questions than ever.

But before I could voice them, the chamber's sliding doors swung open and I felt them even before they came in. My entire body shivered and was covered in goosebumps as they came into view.

They looked larger than ever up close. Twin Kindreds they may be but somehow it was my first meeting "dark-skinned" Twin Kindreds, said to be a rare color amongst them but not unheard of; 2 years ago they seem so young but now they looked more hardened and mature. Maybe it was the scars I saw on the silver-eyed twin's hands and his neck but suddenly I wanted to run.

Before I can collect myself, the Darker twin with the hauntingly bright eyes suddenly marched up to me and enveloped me in a hug. I was about to push him when I smelled something really good; It smelled like dark chocolate and some sort of delicious spice that made my breasts tingle until to my embarrassment, I felt myself becoming hot...and a bit damp.

Oh my god.

"Wha-" I squeaked when he leaned over to my neck and inhaled deeply making me flinch. "L-Let me go! Haven't you heard of personal space, you idiot!"

My protest was met with a burst of rumbling laughter from the Kindred as I pushed at his massive chest , he leaned back and somehow it was as if he knew I was wet because his full lips stretched into a big grin. He stared at me for a while longer and reluctantly let me go.

"You have spirit. I like that." his amusement at my expense made me glare at him until the other twin, the one with caramel skin elbowed the other aside and took my hands in a more gentler fashion.

"Forgive me milady for my brother's attitude. He is just happy to see you and as am I. If I may.." he bowed his head and kissed my hands reverently before he pulled away respectfully. His gaze was also tinged with lust but it was tempered by awe and longing, something that made me blush even more.

He must be the light twin, I have heard that Twin Kindred have a "light" and "dark" twin. the light twin is known for their more gentle, caring and sensitive nature while their other half, the dark twin is the complete opposite; usually blunt, aggressive and stubborn.

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