While everyone else laughed, Luke looked over at me, subtly scooting closer and bumping into me. I couldn’t help but laugh, admiring his beautiful blue eyes.

“Hey.” He whispered.

“Hi.” I laughed.

“You’re really pretty.” He complimented. I bit my lip.

“So are you.” He scrunched his nose in disgust.

“Do you know what we should do tonight?” He asked, I raised an eyebrow. “Go night swimming. In the lake, when everyone is asleep. Just you and I.” I nodded, agreeing to some alone time before we joined the conversation again.




“Are you ready?” Luke asked as I stepped out of the bathroom.

“Yeah.” I squeaked, desperately trying to cover myself up. I couldn’t help but stare at him. He looks so beautiful. I look like a cow compared to his lean, fit body. He looked like an angel, and he’d trusted me enough to remove his bracelets. Despite his tendency to tear apart his skin, he was still so perfect. Luke’s eyes fell to my stomach while I covered myself. His silly grin turned into a frown.

“Come here.” He rasped. I slowly walked to him. Luke grabbed my hands, prying them away from my body, ignoring my objections, and placed them on his shoulders, his arms snaking around my waist and pulling me so our bodies were touching, he stared into my hazel eyes. “Stop that.” He muttered. “You look beautiful. Don’t do that.” He obeyed.

“Luke-” I was cut off.

“I’m serious.” He stated. “If I see you do that one more time, then I’ll…” His voice trailed off as my lips curved into a smile.

“You’ll what?” I challenged.

“I’ll throw you into the lake!” I laughed, playfully hitting him as I pulled away, sneaking outside and to the back of the cabin, to the lake.


We stood on the dock, and I subconsciously put my arm over my stomach. Luke looked at me with a frown etched into his features.

“Romy?” He asked. “What are you doing?” I quickly removed my arm, giving him a sweet smile.

“Sorry!” I exclaimed, hoping he wouldn’t get too angry. He made a bold move, quickly grabbing me, picking me up and causing me to squeal. “Luke! Put me down!” I giggled. He pretended like he was going to throw me, but held on tightly, causing me to scream. “Luke! I’m serious!” I squirmed. “Please stop!” I begged, hoping the others wouldn’t hear us.

“I’m sorry, Romy. But a promise is a promise…” His voice trailed off.

“Luke, don’t you dare-” Before I could finish my sentence, I was thrown into the lake. I came up with a gasp, astounded that he actually threw me in. “Lucas Robert Hemmings! You little shit!” Luke laughed, as I noticed he was recording me on his phone. “You get in this water immediately!” I ordered. He sucked in a breath.

“Gee, I don’t know.” He teased. “I kind of want to go to bed.” I sighed, plotting my revenge.


Fake pouting, I swam to the edge of the dock where Luke was standing.

“Lukey.” I spoke seductively, biting my lip. “Come keep me company, babe.” Luke’s smirk turned into a surprised look, his eyes slightly widening. “Do you remember earlier today when we were interrupted by Ashton?” I asked, he nodded slowly. “Well, if you come in here, then maybe we’ll pick up where we left off.” Luke immediately turned his phone to face him.

Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now