Chapter 40 - Jimin POV - Search

Start from the beginning

"What did I JUST tell you?" Jungkook yelled behind me.

I ran through the warehouse, calling Y/N's name. Even if she answered me, I didn't know if I would have heard her above the rioters outside. I ran up the metal stairs that led to a second level, looking over the overhang to the first floor below to see if I could find her.


Panting, legs burning, I grabbed onto the rail and dropped to my knees.

Where are you? This is all my fault. I'm so sorry...

"Jimin!" Jungkook yelled below. "I'm going to join the riots myself if you keep this up."

I looked down and opened my mouth to throw a threat back, but my eyes caught something red. I pointed to the ground next to him. He followed my finger, looking down at the path of blood footprints next to him.

"Follow it!" I yelled.

He did. I ran back down the stairs to follow him.

Before I could catch up to him, he called my name.

"Jimin! It's Suho!"

I smelled the blood before I saw the body.

Jungkook looked back at me, solemn. I walked forward, my eyes on the twisted body in front of him.

"Stupid bastard," I heard Chanyeol mutter to himself on the side.

I took a deep breath, my stomach clenching. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. Blood was coming from a hole in the side of his head, his eyes glass and his body pale. I was staring at the man who had stayed by my side for five years. I was staring at the man who tried to kill me and my wife.

And I felt... nothing.

"Your Majesty," the police officer said, coming up behind me with a crew to pick up the body. "It's not safe for you here. Please let me escort you to wherever you need to go."

"This man was my head bodyguard." I said to him. "And also the one to take the queen."

"If he's dead, then there's a good chance she's still alive." Jungkook said. "We'll find her."

He patted my shoulder. I put my hand over my mouth and rubbed my lips. Y/N wouldn't put a bullet in Suho. Not on purpose. This was a clean shot to the head. Someone aimed to kill him.

Who would do it? Jungkook and I were the only ones who would be willing to kill for her.



My mouth went dry.

"What? What is it?" Jungkook asked.

"Sehun," I said. "Sehun would put a bullet in Suho for Y/N. Wouldn't he?"

Jungkook looked at Chanyeol. Chanyeol matted his eyebrows.

"You did say that Sehun disappeared, didn't you, Chanyeol?" I asked.

"Err... well, yes..."

I nodded. "Then we have to find --"

The sound of an explosion cut off my words. All of us ducked down as the building shuttered, windows breaking.

"Ugh," I said, crouching on the ground. "Deja vu..."

"Stay here," the officer said, running towards the sound of the explosion.

I turned back to Chanyeol and Jungkook. "Do you think he took her back to the castle?"

Jungkook's lip twisted sideways. "Don't know."

"Chanyeol," I said. "Call Sydney and tell her to contact me if Sehun turns up."

Chanyeol nodded, reaching for his phone.

The police officer returned, my driver alongside him.

My driver bowed. "My deepest apologies, Your Majesty." he said, "But the car has been lost."

"They blew up the car?" I asked.

He nodded.

I sighed. "That's annoying." I turned back to my driver. "I'm glad you got out. Don't worry about the car."

"We can take my car," the officer said. "Let me take you down to the station. It will be safe for you there, Your Majesties."

"She could still be here..." I started.

"I'll call for backup." he replied. "But I can't risk your lives here. I need to escort you out."

Jungkook grabbed my arm. "Come on. We won't do her any good if we're dead."

"Why are you being so calm right now?!" I yelled, pulling away from him.

"Because one of us has to be!" he yelled back. "Is this how you're going be king? By losing your mind every time something happens?"

"The only time I lose my mind is when something happens to her!"

He paused to look at me. He rolled his eyes down and shook his head. "If you want to protect her, you have to keep your head clear. You better figure out how to do that, Jimin. I won't leave her in your care if you don't."

The officer escorted us to the cop car and put us inside. It was a silent drive to the station. After arriving, Jungkook and I sat in one of the offices, waiting for any news from the search partiers in the area. It felt like we had been there for hours. I bounced my leg while Jungkook chewed on his nail.

"Do you mean it?" I asked, breaking the long silence between us.

He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. "Mean what?"

"You'll give her up to me."

He leaned back, looking off to the side. He wouldn't look at me directly. He stuck his tongue in his cheek, gazing out the window.

There was a long pause.

"Just don't screw it up." he replied quietly.

Chanyeol burst through the door. "Your Majesties! Come quick!"

He led us to the waiting room, pointing to the TV screens on the walls.

It was a live news program. The cameras cut to my brother, smiling and nodding to the reporters.

Sitting by his side was Y/N. 

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