Chapter 6: Help...

Start from the beginning

Y/N: (This is bad...)

Luna: Papa... Is something the matter?

Y/N: It's nothing big. Just one of life's challenges.

Luna: Okay... <Yawn> I'm going to bed. Don't sleep late okay?

Y/N: Alright.

Luna got off my lap and headed to the bedroom. I laid back on the couch and closed ARC.

Y/N: <sigh>

Uni: You look like a mess.

Y/N: You think?

Uni came and sat beside me. She looked at my face with a worried expression.

Uni: Would you be able to find a way?

Y/N: Don't look down on me. This is just something I deal with every month.

Uni: Sure doesn't look like it.

She's good. Uni could read my mind just by looking at my face.

Uni: J-Just this once... I'll help you...

Uni sat on my lap facing me and kissed me gently. I was taken by surprise but returned it. I don't know why she did but it is clearing the stress I have. We parted and she had a very cute blush on her face. I could feel my face blushing too.

Uni: B-Better?

Y/N: It was but that was dangerous.

Uni: Why?

Y/N: Your sister could have seen us doing this...

Uni: I-I know that obviously! But I can't help it.

Y/N: You're turned on?

Uni: Baka! That's impossible! Why would I get turned on?!

Y/N: Sorry... That was meant to be a joke.

Uni: You're horrible at it.

I smiled a bit at Uni's pouting face. She got off my lap and sat beside me. As if a light bulb lighted up, I had an idea on how to solve this crisis. I hugged Uni and she was surprised.

Uni: B-Baka! Why did you suddenly...

Y/N: Thanks for that kiss. It made my brain move a bit.

Uni: It's a good thing it did. I don't know what will if it didn't work.

Y/N: You should go to bed. I'll handle it from here.

Uni: If you insist.

Uni stood up and headed to the bedroom but not until I was able to get a glimpse of her smiling face. After that, I opened ARC and looked at my contacts and saw a couple of people who is still available. I picked F/N and called him.

F/N: Yo Y/N! What are you doing calling me in the middle of the night?

Y/N: Do you have a family member who needs help with their job?

F/N: Eh? You're looking for a job? In such a young age...

Y/N: Just answer me.

F/N: Hmm... I don't think I have. Sorry Y/N, but I think you should ask someone else.

Y/N: Oh... is that so? Sorry to bother you.

F/N: It's fine. Besides, we're friends right?

With that, he ended the call. I looked at other options and tried them. I tried my parents but they didn't pick up. Shows you how busy they are. I asked my other friends but they either didn't pick up or couldn't help me. As my hopes was about to sink into the sea, I saw one who maybe could help me.

Hyperdimension Neptunia X Male Reader: Love In A Parallel WorldWhere stories live. Discover now