It was the first chance I got to really look at my own appearance, not there was really much to look at.  Simple black t-shirt and purple plaid pajama bottoms.

"Well, just so you know, I certainly didn't mind," Roman said, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.  He said nothing for a moment, both of us comfortable in the silence.  "But I kinda have to go," he said, pouting at the end.

I frowned.  "Where?"

Roman let out a laugh, thinking I was kidding.  "To a gay club obviously, Virge," he said, rolling his eyes.  At my pout, he smiled - quickly giving me another kiss for forgiveness.

"Nah, I'm going to the office for a couple hours, working a last couple of details before the book go on the shelves," he crossed his arms across his chest.  A dreamy expression danced across his face.  "I can still hardly believe it's so close."  

That's right, Roman wrote a book... a fantasy book that takes a knight through his journey against the terrifying dragon witch...

"Oh, and Ollie told me to remind you that he's got academic team after school today and he needs you to pick him up around 5 or so," Roman waved a dismissive hand.  "He told me you already knew."

Ollie's on academic team... for his elementary school.  He's the strongest math student they got, he studies so hard when he comes home... he - 

"And after you pick up Ollie, I'll meet you at Thomas's, alright?"

Thomas? Why would we be going to Thomas's? With Ollie? If anything, we would bring Thomas to the Mind Palace to meet Ollie considering they haven't met -

"O-Okay," I stuttered, blinking quickly as I processed the information -  

Oh, how could I forget we  made plans to go to Thomas's apartment?  Logan and Patton were going too, of course.  And Ollie would love to stay over, Thomas and him are so close - 

Roman frowned.  "Hey... if you really don't want to go tonight, we don't have to," he said quietly, concerned.  "We can just drop Ollie off and let him stay for an impromptu sleepover instead.  Hang out here if you'd rather not go out tonight," Roman paused, trying to gage my reaction.

"Uh - no, actually, that's - that's not it," I admitted.  "I just... I... I dunno, it's nothing, I guess.  I just feel... fuzzy," I confessed.

Roman only laughed in response, looking amused.  "How bout you go back to sleep?  You look tired and I don't even know how late it was when you finally came to bed.  You've gotta be running on fumes," he said.

"I kinda got a pounding headache but thanks ... I... I dunno, I can't explain it.  I'm not tired, but something just feels... wrong," I admitted.

Roman tilted his head to the side, frowning.  "Well I can pick up some Advil on the way home if you want, I think I used the last of it the other day.  You can stay here, binge watch some episodes of that dark conspiracy theory show you like," he tried.

"Um, actually... can I come with you? To your - uh - what was it again?" I said, waving my hand around, trying to remember.  He just said it... 

"Uh, sure - uh, yes, of course you can hang out at my office if you want," Roman stuttered, smiling brightly - pleasantly surprised.  "And we can pick up some milkshakes on our lunch break at the place you like down the street."

"Sounds awesome," I agreed.  "Just... let me get changed first," I smirked.

Roman smirked back, head tilting to the side.  "What, you saying that you don't think you can rock pajama's at my office?"

"I'm saying that I'm not sure you can rock bringing in your husband who's wearing pajama's," I teased -


I stood there frozen, how would he react to that?! I don't know why I said that, I don't know -

But instead of looking alarmed, or at least surprised, Roman just rolled his eyes.  "So what? It's not their business what me and my beautiful husband do," he said casually.  "And trust me," he continued, "You can rock plaid pajama's."

I snorted, trying ignore the fact that my cheeks were certainly pink by now.  "S-Shush yourself," I said.

Roman laughed.  "Now hurry up, we have to go soon."

"O-Okay," I managed, getting ready to head back to our room.  

But I paused, something felt... off.

 "Hey Ro?"


"I love you," I whispered.  "I love you so much."

Roman tilted his head to the side, eyebrows pinching together in concern.  "Love you too, mi amor.  Are... are you okay?" he asked cautiously. 

"I - sorry," I said, running a hand through my hair.  Where was this coming from? "I - I just feel like I've... missed you."

"Well I promise you, I haven't left," Roman smiled.  "I'm right here, I'll always be right here."

I couldn't help taking a step forward and all but falling into his arms.

And Roman held me, he held me close and I held him just as close, planning to never let him go.

I hope this chapter made sense XD
Sorry I took so long, but hopefully the next one will come out shortly!
- Max :)

There's No Such Thing As Happy Endings - Book Three of the Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now