His Black Umbrella

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"Ah man..." You pouted as you stood outside of your school building, watching the rain as it drenched everything in sight. Even though the chance of rain was low, it seemed as if everyone else in your school came prepared with an umbrella except for you. The rain continuosly tapped on the awing currwntly shielding you from getting soaked as you contemplated your next move. Meanwhile, two boys in similar school uniforms were getting ready to depart when one of them spotted you. He stopped dead in his tracks when his friend, a tall read head noticed his fellow classmate's mind was elsewhere.

"Hey, you alright Hagita?" The boy named Hagita kept his gaze on you as his red headed friend stared at him quizzically, then shifted his attention to you up ahead. "Uh oh. Must've forgotten her umbrella today. Bummer." He switched his gaze from you to Hagita and a sly smirk formed on his face, an idea formed somewhere in that red hair of his. "Hey, why don't you walk her home?" This comment pulled Hagita out of his trance, his face starting to heat up.

"No way, Suwa. I can't just walk her home. She doesn't even know me." Suwa lightly shoved the nerdy blonde, making him shift his glasses that almost fell off.

"Well then get to know her, dummy. She's right there waiting for you." Hagita stood there stiff as a log, his face feeling even hotter when Suwa gave him an encouraging smile. "C'mon, just say hello and offer her a spot under your umbrella. I'm sure she'd appreciate it." Hagita glared at Suwa, his glasses giving off a sharp gleam even though the Sun was nowhere in sight. You sighed in defeat, knowing that the rain wouldn't hold up for you even though you needed to get home. When you finally made the decision to tough it out and were about to get drenched, Suwa interrupted your thoughts with a hearty shout.

"Hey miss! Wanna walk home together?" Directing your attention to the source of the noise, you saw two boys, both sporting umbrellaswith awkward smiles as they headed towards you. Of course you recognized the popular jock who called out to you, Suwa's personality stuck out nearly as much as his red hair. However, the shorter fellow with dirty blonde hair was unfamiliar to you, and the red tint in his face was not helping his case.

"Oh, hey Suwa! Yeah, I seemed to be the only one that didn't bring an umbrella." The boy standing beside him seemed to be frozen in place as Suwa introduced him to you.

"This is my friend Hagita. Sorry, he gets nervous around pretty girls." The red head elbowed Hagita harshly in the back, as if to kick him back into gear.

"Oh h-hello! I'm Hagita! N-nice to meet you!" He bowed as Suwa just stared at his friend unimpressed.

"Yeah, I said that already." You couldn't help but giggle at Hagita, he was just so cute when he was embarrassed.

"I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you, Hagita." The nervous blonde straightened his glasses as his face grew a deeper shade of red when Suwa chimed in.

"Well, I better be off. Can't keep the soccer team waiting for me at practice." He started to take off as Hagita shattered his weak excuse almost instantly.

"Suwa, you don't have practice. It's pouring outs-." The tall jock yelled over the nerdy blonde's statement as if he didn't hear Hagita, waving you both off.

"See ya!" And just like that, Suwa was out of sight and it was just the two of you. Hagita gave an exhausted sigh, knowing now because of Suwa's lame excuse to bolt, his cover was blown.

"Idiot." He opened up his black umbrella and situated the both of you under it, your elbows brushing up against each other as you made your home. "S-sorry it's a tight fit. It's not a very big umbrella." A hint of pink showed through his glasses as you gave him a smile.

"It's fine, really! If it weren't for you I'd be soaked right now. Thank you, Hagita." He glanced your way, realizing how appreciative you were of such a small gesture.

"Y-you're welcome." You both casually chatted about as you made your way to your house, laughing and getting more comfortable with each other along the way. You made the bold move of holding his hand during your time together and his reaction was priceless. It took roughly all afternoon for you to get home because you detoured to so many places, dragging Hagita along with you from the arcade to a sweets shop and so on. He tried to win you a cute bunny key chain in a claw machine and ended up winning two on accident.

"Wow, Hagita! You won two of these?! Amazing! I can't even win one!" He seemed surprised himself as you pulled both of them out to show him. 

"Yeah I guess it was just dumb luck. I'm not actually good at this kind of game." An idea struck you as you gasped, leaning down beside his bag. "H-hey, what are you doing?" When you stepped away from his bag, a cute bunny key chain hung from it as you admired it, leaving him speechless.

"Aww, isn't it cute, Hagita?" He stared at it in confusion.

"Well  i mean yeah. But isn't it a bit girly?" You protested his question with reassurance.

"No, I think it's cute! See?" You put the other bunny charm on your own bag and placed them beside each other, "Look, they match! Aren't they the cutest?" He blushed intensely at the sight of your key chains and shyly nodded. When you dragged him into the sweets shop, you bought two cream puffs for the both of you and seated yourselves inside to get out of the rain. "Mmm! These are delicious!" You cheered as you took another bite and a chuckled escaped from Hagita across the table from you, napkin in hand.

"Hold still." You stood there dumbfounded as he leaned in, wiping excess cream off of your cheek. Now it was your turn to blush.

"Th-thank you." When you eventually made it home it became more difficult to say goodbye to the boy standing in front of you. The two of you had a blast today and you wanted to have another excuse to spend more time with him, but how? Although the rain had stopped long before reached your destination, Hagita still walked you the rest of the way and seemed to not want to leave. Was he feeling the same as you or were you just being crazy? Well, there was only one way to find out. "Hagita, I had a wonderful time today! Thank you for everything! But if you don't mind," You paused, looking away from the nerdy blonde as he straightened his glasses, 

"Y-yes?" You could feel the heat forming from your ears, trying to find the words to find the words to continue. 

"Could we possibly do this again? Like on a weekend when we're not a school? I-I mean if you're not busy or anything-" You were cut off by a swift peck on the cheek from the boy. It was warm, an although the kiss was brief, the warmth seemed to linger long after. Rustling from the bushes and a joyous cry startled you both out of your moment, directing your attention to a familiar figure jumping up and down , the red hair giving away who it was almost immediately. 

"Yes! Oh, sorry I guess I gave myself away." Hagita started yelling at his friend Suwa immediately, embarrassment written all over his face.

"What the, Suwa?! Have you been following us around all afternoon??" He continued yelling at Suwa as you laughed hysterically at the idea of Suwa following you two around during the afternoon, neither of you having a clue.

The End.  

A Rainy Day with Hagita (a Hagita x Reader one shot)Where stories live. Discover now