[date 3: vincent celino]

Start from the beginning

A few minutes pass and we finally leave the woods. I see a beautiful skyline of skyscrapers and lights. The sky is now a dark red as the sun sits on the horizon. Maybe he's taking me to the city?

Vincent makes a turn, catching me by surprise. I clutch onto his waist when both our speed and the wind pick up. His dark hair ruffles in the breeze.

Eventually, Vincent makes a stop at a dimly lit, rock-covered beach on the side of the deserted road. He gets off the bike and gives me a hand to steady me as I get off after him. 

"Where are we?" 

"Just a beach I found earlier," Vincent explains. I'm almost surprised to hear his voice again. 

I take off my helmet, attempting to smooth down my wind-blown hair. 

"It's really pretty here," I observe, turning a full 360 to take in the view. There's the city lights down the road, beautiful wildflower covered fields, and the rocky beach with a moonlit ocean. 

He stays silent, staring out at the water. 

"Why don't you talk much?" I ask, taking off my boots. I step off the road onto the beach, feeling the sand squish beneath my feet. 

"Why do you talk so much?" He snaps back, smirking when he sees my reaction.


"I'm kidding princess," He teases. "Don't get your panties in a twist."

I roll my eyes and walk away towards the waves, stepping around rocks of different shapes and sizes. He follows close behind, humming an annoying tune. I attempt miserably to block out the sounds.

Minutes pass and he's still humming. 

"Please stop humming," I try to say calmly. Vincent smirks, knowing that he's pissing me off. Of course, he continues. This time even louder.

Eventually, I snap, turning around and smacking his arm, hard.

He rubs his arm, shocked. 

"Hah, finally! I got you to shut up!" I cheer smugly. Apparently I spoke too soon.

Vincent leans down and splashes a big wave of sea water on me.

I gasp in shock, "Are you trying to get kicked off the show?" 

"Obviously I didn't come here for the show," Vincent says in a matter-of-fact manner. "Considering I made sure to avoid the cameramen. If you haven't noticed already, princess, we are alone together."

He's right. Somehow he got away from the camera crew so our time together would be private. It's almost a relief. Although I signed up to be on camera, it is kind of weird trying to get to know my dates when there's a whole audience getting to know them too. 

Suddenly he reaches down and picks a small object up from the sand. After rinsing it off in the ocean, he holds it up to the light.

"Sea glass," He observes. It's a pretty aquamarine chunk of sea glass. I've never seen such a large piece of sea glass in my life.

"Can I have it?" I ask, reaching eagerly for the piece. He swiftly lifts his arm up high and out of my reach.

"You'll have to earn it," He smirks.


"You'll find out eventually," He responds, leaving me curious as hell. 

It remains quiet between us for a while, both of us just enjoying the ocean breeze and the warm water beneath our feet. Eventually, Vincent checks his watch and says it's time to go. 

I groan, not wanting to leave this place. However, I'm exhausted and don't want to be out all night so I follow him back to his bike and get ready to leave.

We ride off into the night, only the stars and each other as company.


I wake up very early the next morning, close to around five. I head to my bathroom, unluckily tripping over something and falling on the floor with a thud.

"Ow," I mumble, rubbing my head and getting back on my feet. I spot Vincent's dark green motorcycle helmet by my feet. Of course I tripped over Vincent's shit.

Shaking my head in annoyance, I make my way into the bathroom, closing the door behind me with a click. I stare at myself on the other side of the large head to toe mirror. My smokey-eyed makeup from the night before is smeared, resembling a raccoon's eyes. My chestnut hair is tangled in messy, bedhead waves. My oversized pajama t-shirt is wrinkled and stained.

I gather my hair into a messy bun and let out an exhausted sigh. Assuming that the camera crew is not on duty yet, I shuffle downstairs into the kitchen for a pre-breakfast snack. Val will be cooking up breakfast for the house in only a few hours.

Snatching a box of cereal from a cabinet, I make myself a hearty bowl. I eat in the dark to the soothing sound of the ocean outside and the shy hum of the refrigerator. Soon after, I sit up in alert to the startling noise of the fridge swinging open. A tall, familiar figure is sorting desperately through the drawers, as if they were quickly searching for something specific. They don't seem to notice me as they turn to face my direction.

The boy opens a bottle and throws his head back, dry-swallowing his pills. He closes the bottle and tucks it in his pocket, the pills rattling as he shuffles around the room. I decide to get upstairs and go back to bed, so I attempt to pass by the boy without him noticing. To my luck, I bump right into the stranger.

"Sorry," I whisper-shout in embarrassment. The person grabs onto my shoulders, holding me in place.

"You scared me," Is all he says. I recognize that voice as Vincent and immediately blush from his stubborn grip on my shoulders.

"Vincent," I breathe out, awkwardly stepping away from his grip. He swiftly backs away as well.


It's silent for a moment, but it's not awkward.

"Night," Is all he says before walking back to his room.

"Goodnight," I respond, a little late after he left.

I make my way upstairs and head to bed, wondering why he needed those pills so much.

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