His cologne was dignified and commanding, just like him. The scent only made you crave him more, and he seemed to have fallen under the spell of your perfume, as well.

"Damn, I'm lucky you're mine.~" He purred into you, making you giggle into his lips when he kissed you again.

When he finally set you down, you were grinning ear to ear. "You look...like an alpha," you praised, sticking your tongue out. He merely smirked, obviously confident in himself.

"I brought you something," he said as he offered you a small bouquet of pink tulips. You didn't even notice them in his hand as you were so allured by his appearance.

Your mouth gaped into a stupefied grin, and you wanted to cry as you accepted them.

"It's cheesy, I know, but I saw it in a movie last week when you fell asleep and, er, this seemed like a good opportunity... plus you needed something else to brighten this room up." He shrugged off the romantic in him, and you couldn't stop grinning, especially as an evident blush colored his tan cheeks.

"Thank you," you uttered as you wrapped him in a hug, "I can't tell you how much this means to me."

When you released him, you bounded to the kitchen and put them in some water in a tall souvenir cup from the zoo you had. "We'll have to get a real vase," you giggled, looking back at the amused Law.

He sat on your bed as you finished getting ready. Two silver rings on each hand and matching bangles on your wrists gave you enough bling, jingle, and flair to make you feel cute.

You found the shoes you wanted to wear, simple white heels you got at a thrift store, but while you bent down and fought with them to put them on, you suddenly felt Law behind you when you wobbled, making you jolt.

He tugged you to the bed and you sat down, watching him curiously. Whistling, he retrieved the shoes and knelt down, holding a foot while he slipped it on. You blinked, your heart skipping a beat at this gentleman.

"So you're my Prince Charming now, hm?" You teased.

He successfully put the first shoe on and went to the other. His yellow eyes glanced at you, and he briefly tickled your foot in response to your teasing, making you giggle and try to kick away. You calmed when he relented and put the stupid shoe on.

He stood, towering over you, but you didn't feel scared at all. Leaning down with tender fingers on your chin, his voice lowered. "Nope. I'm your king, because you're going to be treated like a queen."

Kissing your forehead, he made you want to pass out. You smiled up at him and tingled in happiness.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" He asked, making his way to the kitchen and likely looking for a snack.

"Japanese restaurant," you began to answer, hearing him hum in approval, "aaaand I'm not sure about after that. We'll wing it."

You checked your phone. 6:17. You had a bit of time before you had to make your way to the restaurant. Standing, you fixed the back of your dress and clopped over to him, realizing you hadn't worn heels in ages when you nearly tripped on yourself.

Law only stared at you with his brows arched in amusement while he munched on some graham crackers.

After some practice, you figured you might as well go and at least get to the restaurant. Being in the middle of downtown, it wasn't exactly easy to walk to - let alone in heels. So, you found your list of important numbers and ran your finger down it until you found the taxi service.

Once you finished dialing the number, Law snatched the phone out of your hand.

"Hey! L-" He pulled you into him, a firm hand over your mouth like you were some sort of hostage. You squirmed a bit, but relaxed as you got to smell his cologne some more. Even his hand smelled nice.

"Redirect me to your higher services," Law commanded through the phone. The voice on the other end stuttered inaudibly in response, then another voice took their place, asking Law some questions.

"The best you've got," Law answered. "And it'd better be black."

He slapped your phone shut and smirked down at you.

"...What did you just do?" You asked vexedly as you pulled his hand down from your mouth.

Ignoring you, he strolled to the couch where your black heart-shaped purse lay, the long chain splayed out across the cushions. Law picked it up casually by the chain, as if it was the scruff of an animal, and brought it to you.

"Got your phone and keys?" He asked, avoiding eye contact because he knew you'd trap him with your stern glare.

With a huff, you responded, "yeah, yeah," and snatched your purse from him, clutching it tightly.

"Good, let's go." And with that, you two were out the door.

Law chuckled as you clacked down the stairs and held onto his arm and the railing for dear life. Death by falling down the stairs in heels wasn't exactly on your agenda. But it was a likely fate for you considering your clumsiness.

You almost felt bad for clinging onto Law so tightly like a helpless puppy, but...he made you feel safe, and he wasn't always there, so you'd relish in every opportunity to latch onto his warmth.

When you reached the bottom, Law stepped down first and assisted you down. You sighed in relief as he hugged you close, and you could feel the rumble of a soft snicker in his throat.

"Thanks..." you muttered, your face beet-red from embarrassment.

You felt his fingers brush under your chin, edging you to look up at him as he responded with a low voice deemed for your ears only, "Anything for you, my queen." He leaned down and pressed his warm lips to yours, engaging in a long, tender kiss.

The purring sound of an engine broke the romantic silence that grew between you, and you looked over.

A sleek black expensive-looking sedan had pulled up in front of you, something you had never seen so close before. The polish was done with meticulous precision; the car could easily blend in with the night. The glowering lights on either side commanded a powerful presence, and the vehicle practically embodied the spirit of a black panther.

You backed up and half-hid behind Law, half-thinking this was some mafia family here for some strange reason. But Law edged you from behind him, giving you a warm smile as you looked up at him. His golden eyes shone brightly, deviously in the night, and if you didn't know him, you'd definitely fear him.

Giving you an assuring peck on the lips, he walked to the car and leaned down at the passenger window, giving the driver a nod. You couldn't see through the tinted windows, but perhaps Law's wolf vision granted him that ability. He then straightened up and opened the door leading to the back seat.

"After you, my lady," he beckoned, and you would have rolled your eyes if you weren't so shocked by this.

Trembling forward like a lamb learning to walk, you took his hand as he helped you inside. The black-leather seats were smooth against your thighs, making it easy for you to slide in. Your eyes caught the gaze of the driver in the mirror. The man was roughly in his 40s, clean-shaven and seemingly wearing a suit. His stare shifted away when Law slid in beside you.

Pulling out your phone from your purse, you quietly uttered the address of the restaurant, given to you by Amanda. The driver nodded and pulled out from the apartment complex.

Your hand was wrapped tightly around Law's, nervous about this. About the date. Amanda had a big mouth so she could reveal anything and everything. And Kid...he was unpredictable. He could use being in public an excuse to rile up Law without immediate reprimand.

You looked over at Law, and he was rigidly staring down the driver as if daring him to look at you again. A smile crept up your face and you reached over to trace your nails against his chiseled jaw. He blinked and looked down at you, soon relaxing and reciprocating your smile. You know he would never admit it, but it was obvious he was on edge about this, too.

Leaning over, you pecked a gentle kiss on his lips, and he responded with a longer one. There was no reason to be so nervous, now. He was your king, and you were the queen. You were going to show up to that restaurant as royalty.

Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar Law x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now