“I-I-I-I um I-I-I”

“It’s okay, take your time.” He smirked while hopping over the stream so he stood on the same side of it as me.

The stream wasn’t exactly huge but I would of having to take a running jump in order to jump it but this dude simply hopped and made it over to the other side which I found odd and interesting at the same time.

“I could ask you the same question.” I blurted out.

I have no idea where that came from, I felt myself tense up from being so uncomfortable in this situation. I looked at him studying his face for some kind of reaction to what I said.

Ryan looked around then back to me. “I doubt you’re here for the same reasons as me.” He chuckled while stepping to me again.

“What are your reasons?” I asked suddenly feeling interesting in what he was doing in the forest if he wasn’t just exploring it like me.

He folded his arms oer his chest. “Full of questions now aren’t we?” He laughed again this time it was a loud one that had an echo.

“I um. have to go.” I stated firmly while turning on my heel and walking quickly back down the path I had recently just been on.

“Don’t run off just yet.” He whispered in my ear causing me to jump like a ninja.

“Ahhhhh.” I screamed with fright.

I once again hadn’t heard him creep up on me probably because the noise of my breathing was loud and my heart was beating at an extremely fast rate.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He chuckled as I turned to face him.

“Ryan?” I heard another voice yell from the direction we just came from, I recognised the voice as Justin’s.

When Ryan turned his head to answer him I took the chance and turned running up the path away from the both of them, I know neither of them actually did anything wrong on me but they creeped me out a lot.

“Look what you did bro, you scared her away.” I heard Ryan shout to Justin.

I didn’t look back once I continued running until I came out to the clear opening where I first entered the path when I came to get milk from the shop for my dad, I brushed off my clothes and straightened them out.

I glanced back and I could have sworn I seen Justin standing about twenty meters back starring at me I looked down then back up and there was no one there, I glanced around and rest the area was clear.

“I’m going crazy.” I said as I shook my head and turned walking back to my house which was only a few houses down from the entrance to the forest.

“I’m home.” I shouted as I entered my house whilst closing the door behind me.

“You where gone awhile.” Dad said as I entered the living room and sat on the sofa to his left.

I smiled. “I got talking to the store lady, she was friendly.” I chuckled as I shrugged my shoulders.

Dad nudged me. “Wow, you made a friend and had a conversation with a shop clerk all in the one day. Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?” He chuckled loudly.

“Har har har very funny.” I shot back sarcastically making him chuckle more.

He snorted. “I’m kidding, I like that you’re finally socialising now, I don’t have to worry about you secretly murdering people from the lack of human contact.” He said making me laugh loudly.

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