Guardians *Fluff! ^_^*

Start from the beginning

Principal's eyes were as wide as saucers as he watched Baldi continue to cry for a few more seconds, then he walked over next to his smaller boyfriend, knelt down, then hugged his shaky mate.

"Baldi, you know very well that everything is not your fault. You will never be a burden to me in a million years. Your 'girlfriend' thought of you as a burden, but she still took advantage of you and what you do in your life. Sure, you may have made the wrong choice with your first set of students at There School, but that alone doesn't make you a bad person at all. You just had a bad day is all. Those kids were not the best type of students to have. Your girlfriend and I could never be the same person. You never will be a burden to me because I love you. If I did think of you as one, I would've left you a long time ago. However, that is never going to happen. There are many reasons as to why I am allowing you to stay at my house. There would be too much to count and explain. I don't mind if I have to pay extra just for you to stay safe and healthy in my home. Once you have more than enough, you can decide whether you want to live with me or not. But for now, I will keep you here as best as possible. You may have caused some things to happen, but we all make big mistakes all the time. Lastly, you will never become like your parents, especially your father. Believe it or not, you do have a heart of gold. However, if you do use your ruler unfairly towards one of your students, I will become your personal therapist if I have to. You may be a bit of a wreck, but you are DEFINITELY not a disappointment. If you ever say that you are or if you continue on treating yourself so horribly, then I will have to punish you for real. I love you so much that I could keep you in my arms forever. Without you, I wouldn't have too much of a future ahead of me. I hope you realize how much certain people love you, because I wouldn't want to see you crumble to the point of possibly losing your life. Just... when I see you, all I see is hope, beauty, love, and happiness." Principal made sure to assure Baldi to the most of his ability as he hugged Baldi really hard. Baldi hid his face in Princi's shoulder as he continued to cry like there was no tomorrow.

"B-but Kennith, why m-me? Why do you love me so much?" Baldi stammered.

"My heart chooses you, Baldimore." Principal said as he let go of Baldi so he could stare firmly right into his small boyfriend's teary coal eyes. "My heart chooses you because I feel as if we are one. We both kind of have the same problems, so we could help each other's issues a lot. But it's not just that, it is how pretty you look, your personality most of the time is precious to me, and and how you take care of the kids and how you communicate with other adults is really heartwarming. It is just nice to see how much you have improved the last year or so. You have a certain kindness to you that could draw anyone to you. A kindness that you don't even realize. You are really smart too, especially with the maths. Everything about you just feels... right."

"R-Really, Kennith? But I look kind of ridiculous with the red lipstick. Everyone hates that I wear it. Also-"

"Well, I am not everyone. I love your lipstick. It actually suits you quite nice. You look beautiful with it on." Principal winked as he continued on the compliments that overwhelmed Baldi so. "That one hair on your head makes you look adorable. I could put a bow on it if I felt like it." Baldi now hid his face in his green shirt, his face as red as his lipstick. "Your green shirt looks simple but hot on you. Those tight blue jeans make you look sexy. I love your cute little butt. It may not have too much shape to it, but it is a bit curved and thicc enough for me to fall in love with it. Your coal eyes have so much emotion to them that they make my heart swoon. God, I love every bit of you that I could eat you whole." Principal licked his lips. Baldi finally showed his face, even redder than before, then he tried to stammer out, "B-But-"

Principal then gave him a little peck on the lips.

A really quick one.

"K-Kennith..." Then they leaned their foreheads together whilst they held each other's hands, both sets of hands clasping each other desperately, none of them ever wanting to let go.

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