Eenie Meenie Miney Mo

Start from the beginning

I looked at Carl again. "You young lady. You need to look at me." He walked up to me and I looked at Carl again. "Not him" he bent down to my level. "Tell me how old are you?" I didn't answer "not talking. Well at least tell me your name." I still didn't answer. I just glared up at him. He stood there for a second then I looked at Carl again.

"Oh, I see, young love, is it? Well, that might not last for long." Then he looked at Carl "you sir, you got one of our guns. You got a lot of our guns. Shit kid I wonder what you and the girl have been doing."


"Hey, lighten up. At least cry a little."

He laughed got up and Started walking the line again. He stopped at Maggie and said "Jesus. You look shitty. Let's just put you out of your misery right now." He lifted up his bat s little.

"No!" Yelled Glenn and got up. "No!"

One of the saviors grabbed him and started beating him.

"Stop it!" Maggie yelled.

"No. Get him back Inline." Said Negan.

The savior put him back in line as he struggled and yelled "no." Once he was back in line he said "don't. Don't."

Negan began to laugh. "All right listen. Don't any of ya do that again? I will shut that shit down no exemptions. First ones free. It's an emotional moment, I get it. Sucks don't it. The moment you realize you don't know shit."

He then looked at Carl and back at Rick. "This your kid right." He pointed the bag at Carl laughing. "This is definitely your kid."

I looked at Carl again.

"Just stop this!" Yelled Rick.

"Hay!" Negan snapped back. "Don't make me kill the little future serial killer. Don't make it easy on me. I got to pick someone. Everyone's at the table waiting for me to order." He starts to whistle.

Got I hate the whistle. It's so, creepy.

"I simply can not decide" he spoke again. "I got an idea."

"Eenie..." He pointed the bat at Rick.

"Meenie..." then at Maggie.

"Miney..." Abraham.

"Mo..." Michonne.


"A tiger..." Daryl.


"It's toe" Sasha.


"He hollers..." Aaron.

"Let him go..."

"My mother..."

"Told me..." Carl.

"To pick..." Me.

I started to cry.

"The very. Best. One" Eugene.

"And you..." Rosita.


"It." Abraham.


"If anybody moves. If anybody says anything. Cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his girl, And then we'll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell, your all going to be doing that."


"Then he smashed his head. Over. And over. And over, again. It was unbearable to watch."

The Restart: The Story {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now