But, for now, all Wendy cared about was escaping from this dreadful cold.

"Alright, Wendy." she said to herself, "You can do this."

She rubbed her hands together, warming them up. She raised her shaking hands, and pushed them forward as she turned her head with her eyes shut tight, fearful of what would happen. She opened her one eye to see that absolutely nothing happened. She sighed, frustrated.

She made the same motion with her hands again, and again, but nothing happened.

She frustratedly dropped her hands to her side and tried to lay down. She knew it was hopeless. She closed her eyes and tried to fill her thoughts with memories of her brothers. Suddenly, she found herself asleep, dreaming of the times with her family and her brothers playing together in the nursery.


Wendy was shaken awake as she felt the cage lowering down the tree where she was tied up. She covered her eyes as the bright sun shown through the cage. As she was lowered, she cowered to the back of the cage, scared Pan was going to drag her out and punish her since she had used her magic on him the day before. The cage door opened and Peter had stuck his head through the opening. He reached out his hand for Wendy, but she did not move a muscle. He sighed, annoyed.

"Wendy, I'm not going to hurt you."

She hesitated, and shakily grabbed his hand as he gently helped her out of the cage.

It felt nice to stretch her legs again. She looked up to Pan, who actually smiled at her. She looked at him with confusion.

"Wh-why did you..."

"Let you out?" Peter finished her thought.

Wendy nodded.

Peter sighed, "I guess I somewhat...acted upon my anger. It was wrong of me to put you up in that cage."

Wendy paused, not knowing what to say.

"So..." Peter took a deep breath and swallowed hard, "I'm sorry."

Wendy blinked repeatedly. Was she dreaming? Did the "I can do no wrong" Peter Pan just...apologize?


Wendy's mind stopped racing and was snapped back to reality. She locked eyes with him again.

"Do you accept my apology?"

Wendy's mouth went dry, not knowing if she could stammer out an answer.

"Um..." she hesitated, "Yes, I...I forgive you."

He smiled again, "Well, good. Let's go get you something to eat."

Wendy slowly nodded as she followed him back to the camp. She heard the boys laughing and her heart leapt. Suddenly, she realized they all must be terrified still, and found herself looking down at her feet, scared of the boys reaction to seeing her again. Peter entered first and they all went quiet as Wendy followed behind him. She mustered the courage to look up at them, and, as she guessed, all their eyes were on her. She felt her face grow red.

"Mother!" Alfie ran up to her and, without fail, she couldn't help but smile at him. She knelt down and he jumped into her arms as he gave her a huge hug. She lightly giggled at the small boys actions and held him tight.

"Hello, Alfie."

"Is it my turn now?"

Wendy looked up and saw Timothy smiling down at her.

"Oh, Timothy!" 

Wendy stood up quickly and hugged him tightly as he winced in pain.

She quickly jumped back and saw his arm was somewhat of a sling. He shyly chuckled as he nervously rubbed the back of his head with his good hand.

"Timothy, I'm so sorry. I-"

"Sorry? What are you sorry for? You saved my life!"

"You still got hurt."

"I'm still alive, aren't I?" he chuckled.

She looked up at him and smiled, "I'm so glad you're alright."

He smiled a cheeky grin and led her to the fire. She sat down in her usual spot as all the boys started hammering her with questions.

"Wendy! Can you teach me how to use magic too?"

"How did you do that to that pirate?"

"Why did you never show us your powers before?"

"Alright, boys." Timothy said as he handed Wendy a plate of food, "Wendy's had a rough couple of days. Lets not annoy her with your questions. Plus she's probably exhausted from spending a night in that cage." He shot Daniel and George a dirty look.

Daniel nervously chuckled and George rolled his eyes. 

"S-sorry again, Wendy." Daniel said.

"It's fine, Daniel." Wendy smiled. 

Wendy's eyes turned to Felix, who looked at her with anger. She took a deep breath and started to focus on the food in front of her. She looked back to where Felix was sitting and saw he was gone. He was making his way towards Peter's tent.

Peter was rummaging through books at his large, wooden desk. 

"Pan." Felix said.

Peter waved his hand, motioning for him to come in without turning around. Felix entered and found his friend looking at a variety of books with spells.

"What's going on?" Felix asked.

"I'm trying to find a spell." Peter stated as he flipped through the pages of a book.

"For Wendy?"


Peter turned to Felix with a smile on his face, "The skull has answered every question I need to know about her."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I know how to gain control of Wendy's magic."

"She'll never allow something like that. She's too stubborn. She'd rather die than let you control her in any way."

"That, my dear Felix," Peter said as he turned to another book, "is why I must gain her trust."

Felix scoffed, "How are you gonna do that? She can't stand you."

Peter gave Felix an annoyed look and went back to his reading.

"So your plan is you're gonna gain her trust and then what? Hit her with a curse?"

"Not a curse, Felix," Pan's finger pointed to a section in one of the many books scattered on his desk, "A spell that will change her."

"Change her?"

Peter picked up the book and went back to the entrance of his tent.

"Pan?" Felix called after him, confused.

Peter gave him a sinister grin, "Don't worry, Felix. I think you'll enjoy how this all plays out."



I know I know I haven't updated in a while and I am very very sorry. You literally have no idea how many times I've looked at this chapter and been like "I have no idea where to go with this." LOL 

Butttttt heres the new chapter!!! Things are falling into place and its only gonna get crazier from here!!!

Hope you stay tuned ;) 

(And hopefully I update this story at a reasonable pace lol)

Much love, 

Sarah K

Wendy || • A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) fanfic •Where stories live. Discover now