The First

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This chapter is dedicated to Michael who asked if it was dedicated to him and when asked if he wanted it to be said "y e a h"

I still remember the first time I came out. It's a little fuzzy I'm not gonna lie but I think it's important to add in here. It was a little weird as you'd expect but it just kinda slipped. This was in March I believe.

My relationship with this person was strange to say the least. We had only talked upon occasion. A couple times throughout the whole year so far. But we had somehow gotten on the subject of sexuality. For some reason I was extremely comfortable with this person. Maybe it was their "give no fucks" personality. I don't really know.

Anyways we were talking about sexuality and I asked "how they had come out because I was contemplating it". Like I said, it just slipped, but at this point I couldn't really take it back. They asked what I was coming out as. At that moment I had to make a choice. Ignore the message and go jump off of a cliff or just say it knowing that this person would most likely not judge me. So, I did! I told them I was bi. And that was it. No judgment. Just a simple "cool" and it was over. I was so relieved? Happy? I don't know. I just know I felt really good.

Ever since then this person has become pretty much my best friend (I'm not just saying that because I know you're reading this). We talk all the time. We make horrible decisions* together. I honestly don't know where I'd be without them.

*shrek and trump smut (that's all I'm gonna say chill bro)

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