5. malls are fun.. right?

Start from the beginning

He turned back around and smirked at the girls and winked, causing all of them to turn red.
I held back a laugh, but ( y/n ) just started to giggle. Trendy snorted and pushed his glasses up, fidgeting with the buttons on his sleeve.

( y/n's pov )
While EJ mock flirted with the girls across the bus, Sally, Masky, Trendy and I played a game of iSpy.

I started off.
"I spy.. Something soft and red!"

Trendy pointed over to a woman's red fuzzy purse. I nodded and smiled at him.

"How'd you guess it so quickly?"

He smiled a half smile and shook his head.
"Absolute fashion nightmare. Texas could see that bag."

We all laughed at his little joke and continued with our game until the bus arrived at the mall.
All five of us bounded into the mall, walking with an air of confidence and purpose! At least, that's what we thought.

In reality, we looked like three students, a little girl and a teacher all hanging out together. We got a couple of stares, mostly just girls oogling the boys, but also some from me. I recognized some people from school and awkwardly waved, only to be greeted with more awkward waves.

We had been walking around for about half an hour before I spotted a certain someone. Liam. He was sitting at a table with another guy who had dark brown hair and amber eyes. The guy looked intimidating and annoyed, but Liam was talking and smiling a lot.

The guy noticed me staring and pointed at me, catching me off guard. Liam looked over at me and his jaw literally dropped. He ran over to me and pulled me into a bear hug, burying his face in my shoulder.

I hugged him back and couldn't help but smile like an idiot. The boys stood around uncomfortablely as the reunion went on, looking a bit.. jealous? I shook my head. No, not jealousy. Annoyance.

Sally pulled on the hem of my shirt and smiled bashfully up at Liam.
"( y/n ), is he your boyfriend?"

Liam laughed and I felt my face flush.
"No, Sals. He's just a good friend."

Sally nodded and smiled before cowering behind me. I looked up to see what Sals was afraid of. Liam had the mystery man right behind him and I smiled and waved shyly.

He stared me down, an unreadable expression on his face. He began to drag Liam away, but not before Liam could give me another quick hug.

"Call me later!" he called, blowing me a kiss. I giggled and turned back to everyone.

"Sorry about that. That's my friend, Liam."

EJ frowned and murmured, "friend my ass."

I pretended not to hear anything.

- time skip to when you get home -

All of us had just arrived home after a tiring trip to the mall that had lasted four hours.
I was just about to head upstairs before Jeff and LJ burst through the door, covered in blood.

I felt a bit queasy staring at them like that so I turned away and held my hand to my mouth, which made Jeff laugh and strut over to me. I could smell the blood on him.

"What's wrong, ( y/n )? Is there something on my face?" he teased before cracking up. LJ snorted and smiled apologetically at me.

"Sorry about that, ( y/n ). Hehe. I didn't know you'd be home so soon~!" he mused with a laugh. I smiled weakly and walked off to the living room to sit down and take a breather.

The only person in the room was Hoodie, and I contemplated walking out but decided against it. I walked in quietly and he looked up at me. I sat a few seats away from him and he turned to me.

"Um," I paused, not knowing what to say, "hi, Hoodie." He crossed his arms and exhaled slowly before answering.

"Hello. Is there something you needed, ( y/n )?"

His words caught me off guard. It's the first time he's ever said my name, let alone talk directly to me. I smiled bashfully and shrugged.

"I just came in here to get away from Jeff and LJ. They were all bloody an' stuff when I came home.." I trailed off, playing with my hands.

He chuckled quietly and the two of us sat in silence for a bit before he turned back to me.
"( y/n), come here," he gestured to the seat next to him.

I nervously scooted over next to him and stared at my feet.
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck through his hood.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you."

He then wrapped his arms around me in an awkward and stiff hug, taking me by surprise. I was about to hug him back out of impulse, but he removed his arms quickly and went back to crossing them.

I couldn't help but grin at him.
"I accept your apology."


bam! done lol

looks like our old pal hoodie isnt as cold as we thought, hm~?

buh bye, loves~! <3

word count: 1513 words

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