"I can't Kathy, I'm sorry. She said it for herself, after what happened that day she doesn't want to see me. She wants me to forget about her and move on. I went crazy when she left; I didn't know how to feel. My feelings were all over the place. I was in a trance. I can't forget about her; I don't want to. I don't want to see her with another guy that makes her happy; it does something to me. I love her, she's everything to me, but sadly it hurts knowing she doesn't feel the same way. Does she have a boyfriend? Is- is that why she does not want to be with me?" I asked.

"Now Justin, you know I can't give you all that information."

"Oh god, she is in a relationship with someone. No wonder she's still upset with me."

"I didn't say that. I just said I couldn't give you that sort of information. I'll go talk to her." She says leaving. I hope Kathy talking to Adrian would help figure out what she wanted in some sort, it's crazy how I'll go over the edge just to make her happy or even be with her. I saw Kathy talking to Adrian it seems they were getting into a small argument, maybe I do have to move on for real this time. Once I got ready to walk outside, I spotted a black Escalade driving by, slowly letting the window down aiming a submachine gun out of the window.

"Get down!" I yelled at both of them. After they realized what was happening they quickly got down and so did I and everyone else that was outside. Soon after the shootout was over, they quickly sped off. I had to process in my head what the fuck was going on because I had no clue. I heard screaming from afar hearing Kathy. I quickly got up and went over to her. "What happened," I asked Kathy putting pressure on Adrian's wound realizing she got shot in her side. "Adrian look at me, okay look at me everything is going to be fine. Kathy what the fuck happened?!" I yelled at her.

"I-I I don't know we got down and she got hit. We need to call the ambulance."

"There no time. She's gonna die if we don't get her some help."

"I can't believe they fucking shot me," She says trying to talk.

"Who is they? Adrian tell me what's going on." I asked waiting for her to reply.

"I just want to go home, please take me home," She says coughing out blood.

"I'll take her to the hospital. I promise to get her there."

"The hospital is 10 minutes from here; you won't make it in time. Everyone's calling the paramedics."

"There's no time! You forgot I own a Ferrari; they're much faster than a fucking ambulance. I'm not losing her too." I said picking her up bridal style walking into my car to put her in the passenger seat. "Meet me there," I told her closing the passenger door. I got to the hospital in less than 4 minutes; they took her back immediately thankfully she didn't drown in her own blood. I sat in the waiting room traumatized because of what I went through the first time. It was all coming back to me.

"Hey, you made it," Kathy says bringing me back into existence.

"Yeah, they took her back soon as I got here. They said she's going to be fine."

"Thank god. You're so good to her; she doesn't even notice it."

"She said they, who is they? Does she know who did this to her?" I asked.

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