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Just as I was about to thrust into her sweet little pussy my phone rang. You've got to be fucking kidding me?

Selena giggled and she rolled under me to get her panties. Hell no. 'Wait the fuck there, princess. I'm not done with you yet.' I smirked. She raised a brow. 'I'm done with you though. Answer the damn phone!' She laughed. I smiled because her laugh was so beautiful. God I was such a pussy for this girl.

I picked my phone up. Unknown number?
'Who is it?' Selena asked while putting her shorts and bra back on. Fucking ruined my time with her because of a fucking unknown number?! 'It's a stupid unknown number.'

It rang again. I decided to answer this time.

'What.' I said harshly. Selena giggled in front of me. She was now in her cute little pyjamas again. I say cute but I was already getting hard looking at her ass in it.
'Is this Venom.' A man said in a slow tone. I replied with 'It is,what do you want.' Sharply. Selena could sense my aggravation because she sat next to me and leaned her chin on my shoulder. It was a weird feeling because no one had shown .... affection? for me before. It was a strange feeling. Women usually used me from promo or money. Maybe I was over-analysing the small action. I don't know. She always left me confused.

'Prepare to lose.' Was all he said before hanging up. 'Who was it.' Selena lifting her chin off my shoulder. Suddenly I felt cold. Then I realised I was still naked too. 'I don't know. It was man. He asked if it was Venom then he said prepare to lose. Maybe it's just someone trying to get in my head before the next fight.'

She got up. I couldn't help stare at her ass. 'Did it work?'

'Hell no. I'm not a pussy.' I told her. She turned around. 'That's exactly what a pussy says' she replied. Bitch. I smiled. 'I'm not a pussy.' I replied.

'Don't act like a pussy then. If I wanted to fuck a pussy I'd be a lesbian, Mr Hiss.' She replied. God she was going to kill me with that attitude. I was a fucking billionaire but weirdly enough I'd never smiled this much before. What was Selena Gomez doing to me?

Justin had been in my hotel room from first thing in the morning and now it was 5pm. I was still in my pyjamas. Justin had tried to get me to take them off and continue what we started but I decided to make him wait. Thanks to that call we were stopped.

'I'm taking you on a date.' He stated. I rose a brow. 'A date. Don't you have to have a heart for that Mr Bieber?' I asked.

'Hey, what happened to Mr Hiss? And a date. Go get dressed.' He ordered. 'Well where are we going?'
'I'm sure anything you wear will look undeniably amazing on you, princess.' He smiled and I ran into my room.


I was now sitting in this fancy restaurant with Justin. He kept telling me how gorgeous I looked and I couldn't help tingle on the inside. God I was becoming a pussy for this guy. I was wearing this white strapless dress that stopped above my knees.

I was eating my pasta when Justin asked me what my favourite food was. 'Well that was random.' I told him. He flashed a goofy grin. 'I want to know everything about you, Selena.' He told me. 'You didn't call me princess.' I told him. He smiled again. He was always smiling. 'Last time I called you that you kicked me and your heels are very pointy today, I don't want to get hurt.' He admitted. It was my turn to smile. 'My brother got me these last year for my birthday. Can't get blood on them.' I told him. 'Brother? I didn't know you had a brother.'

'Ryan, he's 23. 2 years older than me.' I told him.

'Ryan as in Ryan Gomez? As in the basketball player?' He asked. I nodded. 'Yup, thats him.' I was proud of my brother. He had it hard too. We were so close until I pushed him away because of my depression but he never turned his back on me.

'You close?' He asked. I wasn't ready to tell Justin my home life so I kept my answer simple. 'Yes. I guess so.'

'You guess so?' He asked. He was so goddamn pushy. I sighed.

'My mother died when I was 17. We drifted apart after that. I went into training he went into being trained. We were born in Chicago I moved to New York with Asher for University and decided to stay here when I graduated. He went to LA for a sports scholarship. We still talk, we see each other when we can. He's actually flying back from his vacation in Italy. He must be in the air right now. I told him.

'I have a brother, Jaxon remember? He's 22 and more on the business side. He is like the brains of Bieber Co. Now that I've become Co- CEO of it with my dad, he basically runs all the accounts. He's a show off because he knows how to do maths.' Justin scoffed. I giggled. 'I do like a nerd I must say.' I told him teasingly.

Justin smirked until his eyes turned to the TV that was playing the News.

'Breaking News a flight to land tonight has crashed 20 miles out from the LAX airport. As of now there are 27 casualties and counting. The flight was said to be coming from Rome, Italy.

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