"What started?"

"Envelopes in the mail... with photos. Of you. You in Paris, Berlin, Moscow... sometimes with this other lady, sometimes with this odd man carrying an umbrella. I tried to bring up to my friends and family that you could still be alive, but no one believed me. They all thought I was still in shock or going crazy or something. So after graduation, I took all the money in my college savings account and left. I told everyone that I was traveling, which wasn't a complete lie."

"So… you've been searching for me for three years."

"Yup. I was kinda hoping that the next time we'd meet it would be at a café or something. I mean," David raises his eyebrow. "I had a feeling you’d be in some deep shit, but nothing like this."

Victoria manages a smile. "Sorry you were brought into this." They both look at each other in silence for a few moments. Victoria takes a deep breath and the smile wipes off her face. "David, I'm gonna get you out of here, ok? I promise." David raises his eyebrow and Victoria smirks. "Just trust me."

The door swings open and Chris and his men storm in. One man goes to David, Andrew to Victoria,  and they begin to untie the ropes binding them to the chairs.

"Change of plans," Chris exclaims. "Seems as though the boss wants you two brought to him immediately." He looks at his men. "Take care of them." They all nod in agreement. He walks out of the room, dialing a number and putting his cell to his ear.

Victoria doesn't even as much glance at Andrew as he removed the ropes and forces her to stand up. He pushes her forward and she follows as the other man grabs David and walks him out into the narrow hallway, the other two of Chris's men leading in front. Andrew holds onto Victoria's left arm. He light tugs on it and leans in and whispers in her ear.

"When I say now... kick ass."

Andrew straighten up and they continue walking, Victoria trying to hide her smirk. Andrew takes out his pocket knife and cuts Victoria's wrists free. He hands the knife over to her and winks.


Before Andrew can whip his gun out, Victoria leaps at the man holding David. She savagely slashes at the guard's face like a lioness taking down its prey. Andrew absentmindedly fires off a shot at the nearest guy as he watches Victoria plunge the knife between the man's ribs. David cowers by the wall, helpless to do anything and staying out of the way.

Victoria stands up and looks at the third guy, calculating before lunging and tackling him to the ground. The boys watch as she wraps her legs around his throat, hearing the audible crack as the man's clavicle breaks under the pressure.

Victoria pushes her hair back and puts her hands on her hips, looking around at the bodies strewn about the floor.

"Well," Andrew says. "Badass indeed."

SLAP! Victoria's hand comes down sharply across Andrew's face. He yelps and clutches at his cheek.

"I don't know why you thought this was a good idea," Victoria says, her voice raising as she stalks towards him. "But that could have easily killed all of us. It was only by some STROKE OF LUCK that we all survived."

Andrew cowers back, awaiting the second slap, but is shocked when he feels her hand cradle his cheek instead.

"You lying motherfucker," Victoria says before kissing him.

She pulls back and slaps him across cheek again--hard. “By the way, go to hell.” she says and redirects her attention to David. David stares at her in full-fledged terror.

David shrinks back as Victoria approaches him. “W...w…”

"Shh, David," Victoria says, holding her hands up in front of her. "I'm not going to hurt you."

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