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I jog up the steps and see my best and only friend Kyle leaning on the side of the building. She sees me and smiles. " hey Carter."

" Hey."

We talk for a few moments until the bell rings. I walk down the hall and take a left to where my locker is number 22 just like my field hockey number. I smile as i remember that i have practice tonight. I put in my combo and lift up the latch. I grab my honers bio book and walk to the staircase which leads to the S wing. I get to class in about two mintues. I find a seat in the front of the room and pull out last nights homework. I sit there tapping my foot when Blaire the "queen bee" of the school walks up to me. She puts on a fake smile and says " OMG I love your shirt! Where did you get it ugly R us."

I smirk and say " No... I thought you cleaned that store out."

She huffs and walks away.

Haha point one Carter I think to myself. Just then the bell rings and the few kids who are standing scramble to their seats when Mr.Smith walks in.

" Hello class As some of you know we are getting a new student today."

I hear Blaire whisper to one of her clones " I hear he's super cute."

Ugh people are so shallow. " Class welcome your new classmate West.

I look up, as he walks into the class. he's tall with light brown hair and light brown eyes. He's wearing a The Wall shirt with jeans and green chuck Taylor's. He seems Fit and athletic. Their are a few very small scars on his hands. He's kinds cute.

" Carter do you mind if West sits next to you?"

" Um no not at all."

Wesr walks over to the empty desk to the left of me. He looks over and smiles

" Hi I'm West."

" Hi I'm Carter."

" I like your shirt." Oh god here we go again with the insults. But to my surprise he says,

" Are you into hunting?"

" Yeah I go moose hunting with my dad every year."

" Awesome! my dad and I go bear hunting sometimes."

And this time it's my turn to smile.

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