Chapter 9: Duty Calls

Start from the beginning

"Of course Mark!" Tim says to me. "Let me just get a few more things and I'll be set!"

"Awesome Tim!" I say to him.

"Ooh! Now I'm ready! Let's go and meet Google!" Tim exclaims. "I hope he doesn't mind that we bother him too much."

"He won't trust me," I reply to him. "At least probably not."

I head out of the infirmary with Tim. And right in front of me I see Blue and her team all together.

"Red you're back!" I say to him. "You took a hard hit last night."

"Yeah I know," Red says to me. "But I'm glad to be back... And teach that girl some manners!!! Like what the fu-"

"Red, calm down," Blue says to him.

"Ok... I'm calm..." Red says as he takes a few deep breaths. "For now."

"But anyway," Jade says. "What do we do Mark?"

After everything, I didn't really pay attention to what they would do.


"You guys are going to go on a mission to save someone!" Tim exclaims. "It will be a very special one too! So be prepared!"

"How special?" Purple asks.

"Very special," Tim replies. "Way to special for me to reveal anything else about it."

"I can trust in that," Jade replies.

"Whatever it may be, I know we're up for the challenge!" Blue exclaims.

"That's the spirit Blue!" I say to her. "Well you guys better get ready, I believe the bell may ring very soon."

"Got it! And good luck Mark!" Blue exclaims to me.

"Yeah! Kick that asshole's butt!" Red exclaims.

"Red! Language!" Peach exclaims to him.

"What? It's true you know," Red replies to her as the team go their separate ways and get ready.

"Well Mark," Tim says to me. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah Tim," I reply to him. "I'm ready."

Me and Tim head towards the information room where Google was. When we entered we saw him right there staring at us. As if he was waiting.

"It was about time you two showed up," Google said to us.

"Nice to see you too Google," I reply to him as we approach.

"Well are you ready to get this dilemma over with?" Google asks me.

"Well yeah, but why do you want to get this over with?" I ask him at his sort of unusual behavior.

"Because the sooner we get over this, the sooner you guys can leave me alone," Google replies to me,

"Makes sense," I reply to him.

"Hey Mark!" Ethan exclaims as he enters the room. "You in here bud!"

"Yeah Ethan I'm here," I say to him.

"Cool!" Ethan exclaims as he approaches me. "Hey guys! Mark's in here!"

Soon Tyler and Amy enter the same room too.

"We're ready Mark!" Amy exclaims feeling determined.

"We even got extra supplies just like you said," Tyler says to me. "You know, just in case."

"So what's this whole mission about anyway?" Ethan asks me. 

"Oh yeah," I say almost forgetting to tell them about the current dilemma. "Guess it would be better to tell you guys what's exactly going on huh?"

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