RK800-60 (Colin) x Reader

Start from the beginning

Colin found it impossible to refuse a request from you and so he slowly rose from his chair and made his way over to you. He sat down next to you and gently took the controller from your hands and listened as you taught him how to play. After briefing him, you started the game and Colin immediately put your skills to shame. After the fourth game you placed your controller down and starred at him with wide eyes. Colin became flustered under your gaze, thinking that maybe he upset you. "I..I'm sorry (Y/N), if you prefer I can play badly." You looked at him as though he had lost his mind. "Are you Kidding, you're a natural master at every single game we've played, own it!" 

You lowered your gaze to the floor, feeling a little put out by the fact that you couldn't live up the natural skill of an Android. "I wish I could master things without even trying..." "I could help you, I noticed a few errors you made in our last game that could have been avoided." Your head shot up to look at him and Colin once again found his confidence ditch him as his eyes dropped to the floor. He hoped that he hadn't insulted you with his offer, just a few hours ago he didn't know how to play and now he was offering to help you sharpen your skills on a game you'd been playing for ages. He was about to appolagise for undermining you until he felt your hand gently brush his shoulder. He almost flinched at the physical contact but managed to calm his nurves enough to look up at you. "I'd like that, Androids are very clever, they often see things that Humans don't." 

Colin got the feeling that you weren't just referring to the game and the hint of admiration in your voice when you talked about Androids made him feel warm inside. You two restarted the game and in an odd role reversal Colin taught you how to improve your gaming skills. You took note of what he said and realised that he was right, there were a few tricks that you had been missing and by the  end of the game you were both playing at the same skill level. Once you were done, you both placed the controllers down and switched it off. Colin noticed the time and went to excuse himself to go and made dinner but before he could get up you grabbed his arm. He looked up to see you smiling at him and the sight caused his pump regulator to momentarily malfunction, he saw a small error message pop up for a second before it corrected itself. "Thanks Colin we should really do this more often, I had a lot of fun." Colin froze at your statement. You had enjoyed his company? Had you enjoyed his company as much as he enjoyed yours? No, surely he was reading too much into it but before he could reason himself into thinking sensibly an unyeilding desire to be close to you overtook him. He could see himself leaning in closer towards you but he couldn't stop himself. He wanted to kiss you, he needed you so badly that it hurt. But this was a bad idea, if you didn't return his feelings than you would most likely slap him for kissing you and your friendship would be over. Desperately, Colin commanded his body to pull back but it didn't respond. Looking in your eyes Colin thought he saw the exact moment that you realised what he was about to do. The sound of the door opening distracted both of you, and Colin managed to regain control of his body and pull himself away from you. Mortified by what he almost did, Colin sprang to his feet and made for the kitchen. "Hello (Y/N), Hello Colin." Connor called out to both of you as he entered the house followed closely by Hank who only grumbled a "Hey kids." As he made for his bedroom.

(Your OP)

Connor came and sat next to you, telling you about his day and how he and Hank had interrogated a woman that kept calling him "babe" and how it had made him feel very uncomfortable. You tried your best to be attentive but your thoughts kept running back what happened just before Connor and Hank came home. From where you were sitting, it had appeared as though Colin was just about to kiss you. The thoughts brought back the butterflies that you had felt when you saw him leaning in. Was he really about to kiss you or were you just reading too much into it? It wasn't as though you could just ask him because it would be so awkward if it turned not to be the case. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" You jolted in your seat as Connor called out to you. You looked at him to see what appeared to be disappointment in his eyes. "You weren't listening we're you?" "Uh, I'm so sorry Connor I was just thinking..." " What's on your mind, would you like to talk to me about it?" Before you could respond Colin called out to you. "(Y/N), dinner is ready." "Oh thank you Colin." You got up and made your way over to the dinner table where your food was waiting for you already. As you passed Colin, you thought he looked like he avoided eye contact for some reason. Behind you, you heard Connor get to his feet and make his way down the hall. "I'll get Hank." You sat at the table and waited for Hank to take his seat before eating. Hank stumbled in and sat opposite you as he eyed the food in front of him before running a hand across his face. "Aw fuck, I don't think I'll ever get used to this three meals a day shit." He looked up at Colin and thanked him for the meal before tucking into it kinda like a starving lion. For a guy who claims not to be used to stable meals, he sure was eating well. Connor went to take his usual seat next to you but Colin grabbed the chair and sat down before he had a chance. Connor tilted his head in confusion at Colin's actions but didn't seem to mind as he took up the spare seat next to Hank. 

(Connor OP)

As the Androids didn't eat, dinner time was always filled with the a back and forth conversation between Connor and Colin as they waited for (Y/N) and Hank to finish eating. However to day was different, Colin didn't seem to want to talk and Connor could tell that something was wrong with his brother. After several quiet minutes Connor decided to find out what was wrong, he caught Colin's attention before getting up, silently nodded for him to follow. As they entered Connor's room, he gently closed the door before turning to face Colin. "What's the matter Colin?" Colin shook his head dismissively as he responded. "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine....I'm fine Connor." Conner took a step towards Colin and a quick scan revealed that Colin's stress levels were high. "I know something is wrong your vitals show an increase in stress levels, something is bothering you." Connor waited for conformation but Colin didn't respond, he wouldn't even look at him. Connor remembered Colin's sudden insistence in sitting next (Y/N) and it clicked. "This has something to do with (Y/N) doesn't it?" Colin met Connor's gaze at last as he nodded slightly and a smile instantly lit up Connor's face. "That's great, you and (Y/N) would make a great couple." "No it's not great Connor!" At the sound of Colin's small outburst a frown replaced Connor's smile. "Why?" Colin's eyes dropped to the floor again and Connor saw his LED turn red. "...because I, I don't think she/he thinks of me in that way." Hearing this Connor walked out of the room and back to the kitchen to find (Y/N), his brother deserved to be happy and since he didn't have the confidence to confess to (Y/N) he would just have to do it for him. 

(Your OP)

You noticed Connor and Colin leave as though they were about to discuss something important. You wondered what could be going on that they couldn't talk about it in front of you and Hank but you didn't want to pry so you let it be. As you were finishing dinner, Conner walked into the kitchen with a serious look on his face. "(Y/N) could I talk to you for a minute please?" "Uh sure I guess, is something wrong?" Connor shook his head and pointed to the back door. "Nothing's wrong, can we go outside?" You nodded and made your way out the door with Connor following close behind. "Why the fuck is everyone acting so shifty all the sudden?!" You smirked at Hank's remark but your smile instantly faded as Connor closed the door behind him. "What's this about, where is Colin?" "Actually that is what we're here to talk about." You frowned in confusion and worried about Colin, was Connor about to tell you that there was something wrong with Colin? You knew that Androids couldn't get sick but they could suffer system malfunctions that on occasion couldn't be fixed and would ultimately result in a permanent shutdown. The thought of Colin suddenly not being around anymore hurt so much that you felt your breath hitch. Connor placed a hand on your shoulder snapping you out of your internal freak out. "(Y/N) are you alright your-" "Colin, is Colin ok!?" Connor looked confused. "Colin is fine." You took a deep breath as your nerves calmed down. "(Y/N) I need to ask you..how do you feel about Colin, do you have feelings for him?" Connor's question had your thoughts stumbling over themselves as you finally comprehended what he had just asked. "Um..ur well I...um I guess I do...like him..like, a lot b-b-but you can't tell him, promise you won't tell him!" You had never seen Connor look smug before but you could literally see the smugness radiating off him. "Stay here, I'll be right back."

You stood outside alone for several minutes until the door opened again and Connor pushed Colin out the door before slamming it behind him. You began to smell a rat, as Colin stood in front of you looking very uneasy. "Um,(Y/N) I have something I have to tell you." " I think I know where this is going." Colin looked up at you and you could see both nervousness and surprise in his expression as well as a hint of hope. "You do?" "Yes well, Connor did just drag me out here and ask me how I felt about you." "And?" You tiled your head at him. "And what?" "How do you feel about me?" Suddenly in a strange turn of events it was your turn to feel nervous. You were pretty sure from Connor's behaviour that he was trying to set the two of you up but now you would have to confess to Colin. "Um I like you.." You saw Colin's eyes go slightly dull as the hint of hope in them slipped away. "...more than..a friend.."  You felt your face flush red and you looked down at your shoes. Despite the evidence you suddenly doubted weather this was what this was about, maybe you had misinterpreted the situation and really put your foot in it. Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the feeling of Colin's arms around you as he pulled you into a hug. "I love you too (Y/N) so much. More than you could ever know." You pulled back from the embrace slightly to look at him but were suddenly pulled into a passionate kiss. His lips moulded perfectly with yours and sent pleasant tingles down your spine. You never wanted the kiss to end but unfortunately you needed to breath and had to break the kiss for air. Colin pulled you into another loving embrace that was filled with so much longing that it made you wonder just how long he had been waiting for this moment. You closed your eyes as you enjoyed the moment, you'd have to remember to thank Connor for his childish idea of bring you two together.

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