How is that possible?

Start from the beginning

"Okay, it's not that late. I really wanna know what she was talking about." She said curiously.

"Okay then, lets go." He said and offered her his hand.

She looked at it for a split second, and without hesitation Ana placed her small hand in his.


Ana left a note for her dad, in case he'd wake up and would look for her. The drive to the villa was nice. Christian told her about his island; she was listening to him with undivided attention. When Christian's home came into view, Ana's mouth fell slightly open. The gate was wide and shiny. The property was huge, it had a long entrance way. The property was well lit with street lanterns. It was so well lit that she could clearly see the blooming flowers on both sides of the entrance way. Roses on one side and orchids on the other.

"So beautiful!" Ana exclaimed.

The villa was gorgeous and huge. The garden had a lot of trees and a whole lot of flowers. All kinds of colors, shapes and sizes.

"Gorgeous!" she said.

Christian smiled and said. "Glad you like it."

He watched her reaction and found her so endearing. She looked like a little girl. The wind made the leaves of the trees go from left to right.

As she stepped out of the limo, Christian helped her out. They walked towards the front door and it opened before they could knock. Christian introduced her to his butler. She immediately liked him.

He also showed her the living room; it was huge of course! The interior was classic and beautiful.

"Would you like a drink, Ana?" Christian asked.

"Yes, I'd like a coke please." She answered, while staring her eyes out.

The place was very impressive. After the butler brought her the coke, Christian said.

"Okay, we came here for a reason. Let's go into the library, shall we?" he asked.

Ana took a sip of her coke and followed him, while her heart rammed against her rib cage. Christian had a expressionless look on his face. She wondered what that was about.

Stepping into the library, a sudden strange feeling came over her. He turned around and faced her. With a certain look on his face, he said.

"Look up, Ana."

She did look up... and saw it. She couldn't believe her eyes! She gasped out loud, her mouth fell open and her eyes almost popped out. No, it couldn't be. No, this was... it was impossible.

Christian gave Ana some time to let it sink in. She was frozen at her spot and couldn't utter anything. Her mind went on overdrive.

'Who was this Agathe person? Was this the reason why the old woman believed that she was me? And why in heaven's name did Agathe look exactly like me?' she thought.

All kinds of questions popped into her head, but she just didn't have a logical explanation.

'Okay, maybe it was a prank? But why? If... if the painting was not of Agathe, but of me. How and why did someone made a painting of me?' she thought.

Christian sat patiently in a chair and knew that she was in total shock. She probably had a dozen questions. He looked at the woman before him and mentally slapped himself. She was here just for 7 weeks. It was foolish to believe that she has come here for him. Aargh! He never believed in the curse, never believed in the legend. They were just stories made up for strangers. They weren't true. But if you'd think about it: each and every ancestor of his was always very unlucky in love.

His mother was Greek and fell in love with an American tourist. They had a powerful romance and had gotten married; but before he was born his father died in a speed boat crash. His mother never got over him and disappeared one day, leaving him with his grandmother. He never saw his mother again after that. Yes, he had an American name but his mom was fully Greek.

He must be losing his mind! But his family always had to endure pain and sorrow. But is it, because of the curse? Is that the reason, why he and his ancestors before him experienced only tragedy in their lives. Sighing deeply, he thought about his own life. About his ex-wife, a woman who loved herself more than anything else. He wished that he'd never met her. Demetrios; thinking about him, made his throat close up... What happened to Demetrios was one of the greatest tragedies in his family history...

He must be losing his mind, but... maybe just maybe the curse is real? If you add everything up, it looked like it was real. Plus the fact that Ana is here. In the book was written that Agathe will return. But never in his wildest dreams, did he ever think it would happen.

He never believed, but it all added up. Ana fits the whole 'profile'. But if the curse is real and he should try to break it with Ana's help, how will he possibly do it? He's forgotten how to even attempt to win someone's heart. Come to think of it; he never was that forward. His ex-wife was the one who had done her best to win over his heart, not the other way around.

At the moment, he's single. He doesn't go out much, he just works his butt off. He doesn't have a hobby. To the world, was he a boring, wealthy man?

Christian shook his head, cause he really didn't know what to believe anymore.

"Ana, please take a seat?" he politely asked.

She stammered a 'yeah, OK' and took a seat, but her eyes were still plastered on the painting.

"Do you have any questions?" he politely asked.

She looked down and put her hands on her hips." So, uhum... this is a prank, right?"

He chuckled and replied."Nope, I am not the kind of man to do pranks."

"But, but... if this... this isn't a prank. Who... who is the painting of?" she asked nervously.

"Agathe, an ancestor of mine." He replied.

"But, how—how is that possible? How? Why?" she stammered.

"Why does she look exactly like you?" he asked.

Ana nodded, because she was too shocked to answer.

Christian got up, walked to the bar and poured some whisky for her. He walked back towards her and sat in his chair again.

"You probably don't drink this strong, but I am sure that you're going to need it. Here you go." He said and handed her the drink.

As a sigh escaped her lips, Ana accepted the drink without asking why.

"We have this book. It's about my ancestors and on certain pages we can read about a 'family curse'. I will translate it for you, OK?" he said.

As those words reached Ana's ears, she only nodded in agreement, unable to answer the question.

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Note: Thank you for reading and the comment. ;)


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