"Whatever you decide, I support you," Holly declared warmly.  "I wish I could offer better advice, but know that everything will be okay and that I love you."

"Thanks for listening, babe.  I love you, too, and will hopefully talk to you soon," Jessie vowed.  "Take care."

Jessie lay back on the loveseat with her long legs draped over the armrest staring at the coffered ceiling.  I'll start looking into flights home tomorrow, she thought to herself.  

She perked up at the idea of going home, though she still felt depressed, but remembered something she had not even considered since the plane ride here.  She could not leave New York without making a decision in regards to her old record label.  They were understanding that she wanted time away for a disclosed amount of time and would return with a definite answer.  However if she went home now, there would be no excuses - she would have to accept or decline their offer; they could only be so patient.  

Suddenly she heard her text message music preventing her from further giving her dim future a second thought.  She groaned as she got up to get her phone from the kitchen counter.  

----My 1:00 canceled and for once I am free for an hour.  I need to talk to you.  Can you call me?

When Jessie read Jenny's text, her stomach turned a little.  What could possibly have happened?  She had not gone anywhere.

Rather than texting Jenny a simple "okay," she immediately gave her a call.  It only took one ring before her friend picked up.

"Jessie," Jenny simply stated as she answered.

"Oh God.  What's wrong?" Jessie breathed.

Jenny sighed.  "When I asked Brendan if you have had any problems with the public, I learned he has not even heard from you since the day he dropped you off," she said, her tone unreadable.  "I know you said you probably would not need him, but have you not been going out at all or should we just tell him he's not needed?  If it's the latter, Jess, you shouldn't keep him hanging and pay him for his availability the past two weeks.  If it's the former, I'm going to be extremely concerned."

"I'm sorry, Jen.  It's been so easy to conceal the truth since you and Lauren are busy with work," Jessie replied sadly.  "I have not left here since day one.  I am probably going to just go back home sometime next week."

When Jenny's only response was a long, audible breath on the other side of the line, Jessie became even more frantic about Jenny's reaction to all this.  Jenny really worked hard situating her here and now three weeks later she was throwing everything in the garbage. 

"First of all, you can't go home!" Jenny nearly shrieked, causing Jessie to move her phone slightly away from her ear.  "I have a surprise coming for you in the next couple of days.  I just have to double check something first.  Secondly, you have to get out of that building and live!  It's no wonder you're so miserable.  How do you have that much food to make meals with left?  Besides snacks and the essentials, I only bought enough to last for the first several days so what the hell have you been eating?"

Before Jessie could answer, Jenny continued her banter.  "Is that why you gave us the lame excuse you have a migraine so you can bail on us tonight?  Jess, I know you have been having a hard time getting back on your feet and you have felt lost these past few years, but you are really living an unhealthy life by doing nothing but sulk."

"I know, Jen, I know.  I'm -" Jessie began, but Jenny immediately interrupted.

"I really want your stay here to be your cure whether you decide to perform again or do something else," she interjected.  "I'm not letting what shit brains David did to you ruin the rest of your life so if you're not dressed right now, get on it.  I'm calling Brendan now crossing my fingers he can come to escort you at the last minute.  If you realize you will need transportation, don't call a cab.  Take up Lauren's offer regarding transportation."

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