Friends Reconsidered: A Letter

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You and I both know that I can't stand cheesy people who think that they can measure their love for someone through astronomical measures.

It's stupid. I wanted to throw up and die from the second-hand embarrassment I felt when I found my little brother's texts to my best friend.

"You complete me and I would be nothing without you. I love you to the Milky Way galaxy and back."

I don't know what he was doing texting my friend, and I still don't know. Also, we are in the Milky Way galaxy. His "clever" line there didn't even work.

Look, I think that if I really liked a guy and wanted to tell him, I wouldn't do what my little brother did. No. This is what I would do.

First, I'd write him a letter; like how I'm writing a letter to you right now.

Then I probably wouldn't know how to start the letter so I'd ramble on about completely pointless things... much like my stupid brothers and astronomy. Though, I know that astronomy is close to your heart so maybe, in this case, it isn't completely pointless.

But, I mean, still... it's pretty out there. (Did I just unintentionally make a pun there?)

After that, I'd go on and on about what I like about his looks. For example, I love your smile. It's the kind of smile that makes me want to do something stupid again just to see the simple act of your lips curling upwards.

I think that I'd also put in a love letter, reasons as to why I think that we, my crush and I, would be compatible.

If this were a love letter, for example, I would say that we're compatible because you never fail to make me laugh, you get my overly-sarcastic humor, and we never run out of things to talk about. You balance out my crazy, all-over-the-place nature with your calm one and we're like best friends.

I once read that if you marry your best friend, you're less likely to divorce. (Not that we're getting married though. I mean, it's much too early, don't you think?)

I understand if this letter might have seemed very random and you're probably very confused right now. And I don't know how to say, much less write, how I feel about you. The truth is, I like you as something more than a friend.

Our friendship is precious to me but I feel like I'll lose something truly out of this world if I don't take this leap. It's a big leap, I know, and my confession might've just backfired. You might be sprinting away from me right now and we may never be best friends again.

I'm terrified of how you'll react because confessing something like this is scary.

But you know what's scarier?


And I don't regret telling you this regardless of the possibility of rejection.

I love you.


A friend reconsidered

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