|Monsta X↣Lee Minhyuk|

Start from the beginning

Chocolate, said Yuri. "Because it's sweet and soft and cold and it melts in her mouth." she claimed, and even though it wasn't the most valid argument in the world, she said it with so much finality in her tone that no one had any choice but to take her seriously.

Vanilla, argued Chanwoo. "Because it's fluffy and the sweetest and almost every topping goes with it." And with that sparked the argument between chocolate and vanilla. To avoid this, because no one wants to carry two screeching kids who're claiming that their favorite flavor is the best, M/n came up with a proposition.

"How about," he started once finally stepping on the concrete of the sidewalk. "We get a big tub full of both and we can decorate our ice cream once we get home?" The two were obviously pleased with the idea, immediately quieting down but they couldn't fight back their bubbly smiles.

Somehow managing to open the front doors of his building, M/n took a deep breath. Approaching the front desk, he leaned over to the lady who was typing away on the computer. "Mr Kim, I see you've brought company." she smiled, looking at the two children he held close to his chest.

"Yeah. Tell Jooheon to come to my office as soon as he's available." the lady then nodded, picking up the phone that had been settled next to the keyboard, presumably to call M/n's assistant's office. He left her to that, wishing her a good day before walking towards the elevator.

Chanwoo wiggled in hold, catching his attention, he looked over to the five year old. "You want to walk?" M/n asked and the younger nodded. He turned to Yuri and asked the same thing, getting a similar response. He let the two stand next on either side of him, sticking his hand out.

They grabbed onto his pointer finger, preferring that more than actually holding hands. Sometimes they wrapped their chubby little fingers around the loops of his pants, their step matching his as they marched to their destination.

Others boarded the elevator along with them, Chanwoo and Yuri's grip tightening around M/n's finger as they didn't want to get lost in the crowd. There were five other workers in total, each wearing impressive suits and pantsuits. They bowed to M/n, being their boss and the CEO of the company.

One by one they exited the elevator, bowing one last time until it was just the small family of three. M/n's office was placed at the very top of the building, where some of his best workers remained. They produced the top results in a small amount of time, and he was sure to keep them close. His assistant, Jooheon also remained there, though he was barely ever in his office. Instead, Jooheon spent most of his time looking over and observing the rest of their staff.

The doors of the elevator opened with a small chime, the h/c haired male walked out, leading the two children as well. Yuri and Chanwoo let go of his pointer fingers and instead grabbed the fabric of his pant leg, hiding behind it. The workers, having noticed their boss enter the room, all stood up and bowed. A mixture of 'good morning' and 'have a good day' filled the air as he nodded in acknowledgement.

"Boss," a worker, Hana, walked up to him. Her alarmingly red lipstick highlighting the usual grin on her lips. "I have the documents you requested." she informed once making her way to M/n, the others having gone back to their work.

"Ah, good. Make sure to put them on my desk in the next hour." Hana nodded, smile not leaving her lips. Her eyes raking up him from his head to his toes. His face, his impressive frame, his expensive suit and how it perfect hugged his- kids?

"Kids?" the smile was replaced with a look of disgust at break neck speed. She eyed the two small children who stood behind her boss with such distaste that it was unnatural. Yuri balled her fists in her father's cloth, peering out to look at Hana before returning to her hiding place.

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