Okay So XD

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Well you are probably wondering why I am doing this and I am too but right now I kind of just need to get it off my chest.

Okay so.. Tomorrow I'm going to get some sort of a binder as I am questioning me. I am genderqueer, I like being a girl but I don't like my chest, I hate it honestly. I spoke to my mum and she fully supports me, she understands and everything and she's helping me with everything so that's why I getting one tomorrow. Once I really spoke to my mum about this is was relieving in some way and I was confused on why it was relieving so when I was home alone one day I looked up why I felt this way and I saw there were people that felt how I felt too, they don't like their chest like me. They are happy being a girl besides their chest which made her actually happy that I wasn't the only one in a way. I spent some time wondering why I felt this way until I said to my mum I want some sort of binder.

I am so excited and happy that I'm getting one tomorrow but I have to get an actual binder for me to be satisfied. I'm now contemplating if I should get top surgery but not in many years to come just to think about everything, I know people may said. "You're only young, how do you know what you want already?" and many other things I suppose but kids know what job they want and they work hard for it while people support it so it should be the same for people who feel this way. Writing this is feel like I'm getting alot off my chest and it's making me sad relieved if that makes any sense whatsoever.

I also started peircing two and two together. I want short hair, I want to be masculine and no chest but I'm completely fine being a girl so I explored like I said and I thought, "Hey, I might be GenderQueer."

I might add more later but thanks for reading this if you did, I feel better actually xD thanks for your time.

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