Taeyong was speechless.

He didn't want to believe everything Dayoung said.

But it all seemed true to him.

He walked past Dayoung and exited the room.

He walked through the empty hallways with thousands of negative thoughts.

He finally entered the room his brother stayed in and a couple of doctors were there.

"Is he alright?" Taeyong asked in a panicked matter.

"He'll have to stay here for a couple of weeks, don't worry, he's alright. Your brother just needs to recover from his injuries." The doctor answered.

"What injuries does he have?" Taeyong asked.

"A broken arm, twisted ankle," the doctor stopped and flipped through his packed clipboard, "fractured ribs, and minor head injuries."

He nodded slowly and the doctor exited the door silently, leaving Taeyong there in disbelief.

Taeyong collapsed onto a stiff chair and thought about everything Dayoung said.

He rolled his chair over to the hospital bed and sat beside his brother.

"Taejoon hyung," Taeyong grabbed one of his hands, "do you really think Eunbyul's family did this to you?"

"The girl I love..."

"Would she really hurt you?" Taeyong whispered.

He sat there for a while with Taejoon's hand still in his hands.

"Get better hyung."

Taeyong called one of his other siblings to take care of Taejoon as he wasn't in the right mindset to be able to look after him.

Taeyong cleaned himself up and plopped down onto his large cozy bed.

He checked his phone and looked through the messages Eunbyul sent him.

Taeyong thought about all the good memories they shared. He relived them, but couldn't seem to think of Eunbyul in a good way anymore even though he still loved him.

Am I falling for a bad girl?


I still love her too...

That night, Taeyong couldn't sleep at all.

He was thinking about Eunbyul.

But not in that kind of way.

He was thinking if... he should end things here with Eunbyul.

The next day at school, he avoided Eunbyul and all his friends.

He hid in the shadows, hoping they wouldn't spot him.

Taeyong skipped all the classes his friends were in with him.

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