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  "Yes Renee, I'm pregnant," she said again.
  "Ok, but here's the bigger problem," I continued,"Who's gonna help you? I still have to go to school. And well..."
  "Well, I'll be fine," she said.
  "Don't think of it that way, think of it like me being a stay at home Mom," she said. LOGIC. YOU CAN'T BE A STAY AT HOME MOM WITHOUT SOMEONE ELSE MAKING MONEY.
  "Mom!! You can't be a stay at home Mom! There's no one to make the money now!" I yelled. Mom started to sniffle. I sighed. Was I too hard on her? Not only was she pregnant, but her husband just died. And her daughter is constantly crying alone. That can't feel great.
  "I'm sorry mom. It's just that, I'm not ready for a little brother/sister. And dad's not here to help you anymore, and you don't have a job, need I name more?" I said.
  "You have a point Ren, but it's not like I can stop the pregnancy for a few months. And I actually want this baby. It feels like your father's last gift to us," she wrapped her arms around her stomach. I sighed.
  "I can get a part time job. I am 16," I offered. She shook her head.
  "That's sweet Honey, but I have to get a job," she continued,"but if you want some extra money you can get a job."
  I felt so bad for mom. A part time job doesn't give you much money. And mom working a full time job A, feels wrong and B, will hurt so bad for her. She's a strong woman though. I know she'll make it.

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