○Prologue 生延ィ○

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Trigger Warning: Chapter contains sensitive topics, cause this shit bout to go 0-100 real fast, so please if you are triggered easily do not read this story/book. Your 8 in this chapter and your brother is 10.

☆Your POV☆

"Elias, go get your mother. Tell her dinners ready" Dad said to my older brother, as I see him go get mom. I get settled at the table and wait for the rest of my family. That's when I heard my brother scream in terror.

☆ Elias's POV ☆

I went to through all the rooms in the house and the only room left was the bathroom, I knock on it a few times and in return I get silence. I knock again. Silence. I open the door, my eyes threaten to spill tears, I see my mom in the bathtub filled with blood and her arms showed a large cut on both arms. 'Fuck'

"D-DAAADDD HELP-P" I scream As I could hear my voice crack and stutter. I hear my Dad and brother come up the stairs. They both stop in terror, my dad then runs calling the ambulance and my brother  just stands there wide eyed and tears rolling down his face. I quickly take his hand and drag him to his room and shut the door.

"M-mom, what happened!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO MOM" he asked in fear, he started trying to get out of the room and I quickly stopped him.

"It's ok, she's gonna be ok, ok?" He nods and quickly started to cry softly into my neck and I feel him fall asleep. I put him on his bed and quickly went to see if mom was ok.

see paramedics take a body bag and load it into the ambulance "Dad is mom-" I stop not wanting to say that word. He nodded as he quietly sobbed. All I could think was 'why did she do it' and 'I knew she had depression but I didn't think it was this bad' I thought to myself. I don't know why, but I didn't cry when I saw mom. Maybe I'm in shock? No. I don't think I would be this into thought of I was in shock. What the hell is wrong with me..?

☆ Time skip, a day later ☆

☆ Still Elias's POV ☆

"Aizawa (m/n), died yesterday night. I pray for the family and can't imagine what they're going through-" I turned off the T.V. and look up the stairs and at the door of my brothers room. 'He hasn't come out since what happened, I don't blame him but he's been refusing to eat and only comes out when he has to go to the bathroom, take a shower or gets water.' Dad suddenly walks in and you could tell by his exhausted expression and slouch, he hasn't slept.

"He hasn't ate yet?" I hear dad say, as I simply nod and give out a sigh. " Dad...do you think Y/n is gonna get depressed like mom and..." I didn't dare say the last part and just looked at him with a worried expression. He sighed "it's not impossible, we knew at least one of the two of you would have at least a little bit of depression because stuff like that can get passed down to their kids, but I didn't think it would be him who would get it" he told me this and I nodded.

"Hopefully he can handle it" Dad said and I nodded.

"Yeah, hopefully" I whisper.

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Ok so this was rubbish but I'm tired so eh

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