He paused for a second, lost in thought, before he spoke up again. "Actually, you know what, you should take them Amelia. I mean you do still like photography, don't you?" "Yeah, of course! You want to do it during break? Like right after Ms. Andrews class in the lounge area, before everyone files in?" "Yes, okay cool and Jerome you my friend can help me with my poses and the outfits," Alfie smiled as he started to randomly pose. Amelia laughed, excited to finally hang out with the two of them again, just like old times.

They parted ways once they got inside. Amelia stopped by her locker and then headed for Ms. Andrews classroom. She walked in and sat down in her usual seat at the back. Once she sat down she turned to look at the boy who's name she still hadn't learned. "Hey, so I just realized we haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Amelia Edwards, and you are?" He looked over at her and smiled, extending his hand for her to shake. "I'm Michael Peters." Amelia shook his hand and smiled back, "Well it's nice to officially meet you." Before either of them could say anything else, Ms. Andrews walked in, causing both of them to turn back to their notebooks.


The bell rang signaling that class was over. Alfie jumped up from his seat and walked over to Amelia's seat, shaking the camera in her face once he got there. Amelia grabbed the camera out of Alfie's hands and stood up. "Bye Michael. Alright let's go get you on a cover Alfred." The trio first stopped by the theater room, so they could pick out some outfits for Alfie to wear during the photo-shoot and then they set up on the stage.

*Cue the photo-shoot montage*

First Alfie put on a scientist outfit. "And work it, work it," Jerome shouted. Alfie turned to the camera with a pout and then he did a thinking face. After that he held up a clipboard and looked as if he was studying it. Next, he changed into a tennis uniform. "Now send out love to all your fans." Alfie held the racket as if he was about to hit a ball. In the next picture he blew a kiss to the 'crowd.' The next outfit was a fancy black and gold tuxedo. "Now give me a little hungry eyes. and pose, pose. Yes Alfie," Jerome cheered. Alfie turned his back to the camera and took off his sunglasses. Then he put the glasses on the bridge of his nose and gave the camera a smoldering look. Then he pointed out to his 'fans' again.

The last outfit he put on was a karate uniform. "Give me a little tiger growl. Yes, yes, that's it, that's it exactly." Alfie growled at the camera and put his hands out to look like claws. "Flex what you got." Alfie flexed his muscles and made a sort of duck face. Then he did a motion like he was asking the person looking at the photo to come closer, then he did a sort of meditation pose. "Now kick out," Jerome yelled. Alfie kicked his foot out twice, each time getting closer to Amelia and the camera. Amelia stumbled back a little bit, tripping over her feet in the process. Before she could fall to the ground, Jerome caught her.

He looked over her shoulder at the last picture she had taken. "That was the best pose ever," Jerome shouted. "Ow my ears," Amelia winced. She looked up at him, "Thanks for catching me before I busted my head open." Jerome nodded his head and then let go of her. "The gruesome threesome back together I see." The trio turned to see Patricia standing at the entrance. Amelia turned to Alfie and threw him the camera. "Here's your pictures Alfie. Tell me if you get any answers back."

She hopped off the stage and met up with Patricia at the bottom, the two of them heading off to their next class. They walked in and sat down at a lab table together. Amelia got out her notebook and started to doodle while waiting for Mr. Sweet. He walked in a few moments later with Victor. "What is Victor doing here," she whispered to Patricia. Patricia shrugged her shoulders as Mr. Sweet started to talk.

"Before we begin Biology, I have an important announcement. We have been asked to present an official bid to host the prestigious exhibition." Amelia rolled her eyes, slowly starting to lose interest. She continued to doodle while she listed to Victor start to speak. "Yes, the Touring Treasures of Egypt. It is absolutely imperative that we win." "So, I need volunteers to help us prepare the bid." Mara and Fabian raised their hands without hesitation. Joy raised her hand as soon as Fabian's name had been mentioned, causing Nina to quickly raise hers.

"Joy perfect; and that's my three," Mr. Sweet finished. "We make a good team don't we Fabes? Must be all that stuff we have in common," Joy flirted. "First meeting, five o'clock this afternoon, Frobisher library. Thank you," Victor called out before leaving the classroom. Amelia looked over at Nina and noticed she looked disappointed. "Hey Nina, maybe you can convince old Sweetie to let you join as an extra addition. I mean you are practically obsessed with Egyptian history, as I've been told." Nina smiled mumbling a maybe, before turning back to face the front of the room.


Jerome, Alfie, Mara and Amelia were all back at the house, hanging out in the living room. Amelia was sitting next to Alfie on one of the couches, reading a book. Mara was to the side also reading a book, while Jerome was on the other side of the room playing on his phone. "Yay, that's all my pics sent out. Now I just need to sit back and wait for the glossy offers to roll in," Alfie cheered. Amelia silently prayed that Alfie would get an answer from someone so that he would be one step closer to meeting Amber's conditions. "Robert Pattinson must be quaking in his boots," Jerome sneered.

"Enough already," Mara shrieked, snatching Jerome's phone out of his hands. "No, no, no, no Mara, ah no," Jerome groaned dropping his head down into his hands. "Yikes," Amelia mumbled averting her gaze back down to her book. Mick walked in and started to talk with Mara. Once Mick left, Jerome snuck around the chair Mara was sitting in and stole his phone back. "Enough already," he taunted.

"Mara don't you have the bid, I think it's almost five o'clock." Amelia looked down up at the clock to see that it was indeed five o'clock. Mara's eyes widened, "The bid," she gasped. She laid her book down on the table and ran out of the house. "I hope they haven't started yet," Amelia sighed.

"Next order of business, we need to plan a prank. I've been back at Anubis house and Amun for four days now and haven't done anything yet." "We actually haven't planned any pranks so far," Alfie told her. She looked at the both of them surprised, "Too wrapped up in this Amber stuff?" Alfie shook his head yes and looked back at his computer. "Well once you get all your check marks, we need to plan a 'welcome back' prank and it has to be good. I've been gone for two years and I'm ready to come back with a bang."

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