" You're killing her!" I yell.

"You should have left you legs closed you slut!" She kicks me repeatedly in the stomach.

Blood is everywhere. I feel a deep pain in my stomach and throw up. She grabs me by the hair again and drags me to the front door. She stands me up and chunks me off the porch.

" Don't come back!" She spits and slams the door.


" River wake up!"  Jesse is holding me down while I scream in my sleep. I sit up and grab my stomach.

" no no no no no." I sob.

I look up and see everyone is in the room. I burry my face in the blanket and cry.

"You guy go back to bed, I got this." Jesse says softy.

" I'm sorry..." I whisper. Rubbing my stomach. I finally relies it was a dream, and I'm not actually pregnant.

His mom's eyes are full of sympathy, I buried my face in the blanket so I wouldn't have to see anymore.

" What was your dream about?"

I shook my head. " I can't tell you."

He huffed out a breath of air.," Why? You never tell me anything, how are we supposed to have-"

" Jesse, I hurting right now and I can't tell you why, I'm pretty sure you have a good idea on what is happening,yet you want me to tell you. And its hurting me even more by you threatening our relationship because I can't tell you. Don't you get it? Its to dangerous. " I hiss.

His eyes widen in shock.," River I didn't mean to threaten you.. I didn't even mean for it to come out like that." His looks down at the covers.

" Ima let you get some rest." He stood up and walked to the door.

" Stay." I whispered.

He turned and looked at me, then a smile broke over his face.

" Okay."

He crawled in bed with me, I laid my head on his chest and drifted back to sleep.

I woke up and Jesse wasn't there, I wasn't sure if I felt sad or disappointed.

I slung the covers off my body and changed into different clothes, I ran my fingers threw my hair and sighed. I opened the door and the smell of bacon filled the air.

I slowly walk threw the house trying to find my way, I finally find the living room and walk through to the kitchen.

" Good morning Ms. May."

She turns and smiles at me.

" Good morning sweetie. Are you hungry?"

" Yes ma'am. "

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