Dear You,

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I don't know your name.

I know your black hair falls into tight curls around your heart-shape faced like a framed painting in a museum, your skin hazelnut to compliment your golden eyes. I know you tend to cover up your freckles and dark circles with makeup. I know you look beautiful either way. I know you prefer fall colors over bright clothes, and I know that even if you wore a potato sack you'd somehow make it look stylish.

I know you always come into the coffee shop that I work at, every Monday to Thursday at 10am without fail, and you always order a small iced caramel macchiato with half the amount of ice. I know that your name must be something a bit more complicated than the norm, because the receipt usually lists simple names like "Sarah" or "Alex" or "Jen" but never the same name twice. I know that your textbooks are always covered in post-it notes, and that every now and again you get distracted on your phone and neglect your studies. I know your phone case has a pink Gemini symbol on the back. I know that, since I'm an Aries, we should be very compatible. I know that I never believed in or cared about astrology until I started caring about you.

I know that once in a blue moon you come into the café before closing hours when there's barely any customers left, and you sit in your usual spot on the stool next to where I work as the barista, except these times you don't have your laptop or textbooks with you. Sometimes you order something, sometimes you don't. You sit in silence, gazing out the window, rereading the items on the menu or folding the napkins in front of you.

I know you never make noise when you cry. I know that you always turn away from people in the café so they don't notice your tears. I know I always notice.

I know that sometimes when I muster up the courage, I slide you a chocolate chip cookie, or a cake pop, or a milkshake, or anything, to try to make you cheer up just a little. I know that whenever I've done that, your eyes light up, and you flash me the most precious smile. I know the first thing you ever said to me was "Thank you...Bella," as you squinted to read my name tag right before you walked out the door. I know I replayed the sound of you saying my name over and over in my head before I slept that night.

I know my heart pounds whenever I think of you.

I know I like you.

I know one day I'll be brave enough to ask for your name.

And when that day comes, I know I'll never, ever get tired of calling you by it.

Coffee Shop Love #ToAllTheBoysContestTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang