I texted her and kept throwing the stick until Rebel didn't want to catch it anymore and just sat up on the bench next to me.

I texted Stacey for five more minutes before hooking Rebels lead back on and getting up. Me and Rebel walked home, it didn't take very long but by the time we were back I was exhausted.

I got in, unhooked Rebels lead and loaded the clothes from the washing machine in the dryer. I started up the dryer and went back into the kitchen, where I changed Rebels water and fed him.

I went upstairs, retrieved my laptop and glasses and brought them downstairs. I put the glasses on my face, sat at the island in the kitchen and scrolled through twitter, eating my pudding cup and waiting for the dryer to finish.

I heard a knock at the door, I checked the time before opening it. Eight Thirty. I went and opened the door to my mum, happy to see her.

"Hey mum,"

"Hiya, darling," my mum said before puffing the air from her cheeks. She went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I followed her and sat back at my laptop.

"How was work?" I asked.

"It was fine," she said, placing her glass in the sink. "What are you up to?" She asked

"Just waiting for the clothes to come out of the dryer." I said.

"Okay then, I'm gonna go to bed, I'm really tired, I hope you don't mind," my mum said.

"No, not at all, make sure you eat something first though," I told her.

"I've eaten at work," she said "night darling," she said.

"Goodnight mum," I said to her before she went up the stairs.

I got up from the island since I heard the dryer stop spinning and went to the laundry room. The dryer was done so I turned it off and opened it up.

I folded all of the clothes from inside and put them into two piles. My mums clothes and my clothes. I put a pair of my mums work trousers on a clip hanger and did the same for a pair of my school trousers, since I wasn't bothered to iron them.

Hanging them up overnight usually takes the creases out. And if that doesn't work then your gonna have to iron them.

I took my mums pile of clothes and her trousers to her room, where I quietly snuck in and left the pile of clothes on top of her draws and the pair of trousers in her wardrobe before leaving quickly and quietly.

I then took my clothes upstairs and put them into the right places.

I went back downstairs and got an apple from the fridge, I sat at the island, texting Dan and Stacey. I really didn't text anyone else, I didn't bother too, no one else really mattered. I guess they tried but I didn't really reply unless it was important.

I kept texting back and forth and eating my apple. Suddenly my phone started ringing in my hand half way through a text to Stacey.

It was Dan. I picked it up. "God damn man, you almost gave me a heart, I was half way through texting Stacey," I said

"Sorry, I needed to call you," he said, he sounded quite nervous.

"Why? Why didn't you just text me, we've literally been texting the past ten minutes," I said.

"I wanted to ask you something, but not over text,"

"Okay, go for it," I said before taking another bite of my apple. "Oh and I'm eating an apple, incase you were wondering what that funny sound was," I added, my mouth full.

"Ummm, okay," he said before laughing a little. "Anyway, I wanted to know. Do you, ummm, maybe... Ummm,"

"Dan," I said. "Why aren't you speaking properly, just say it,"

"Ummm, this is stupid, I shouldn't have even cal..."

"Dan, shut up and just say what you needed to say," I teased.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend, maybe?" He asked. There was a couple of moments of silence which felt like an eternity.

I hadn't the slightest clue on how to answer. I wanted to say no but I wanted to stay friends, just for now. But I didn't want it to be awkward between us, I genuinely wanted to be friends with him and I didn't know how to tell him.

"Hello? Lola?" I heard Dan say "Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here,"

"I told you it was stupid," he before laughing nervously.

"It's not," I said. "My answer is stupid," I said.

"It's a no, isn't it?" He asked.

"I'm really sorry Dan, it's just that, I really do want to stay friends with you and I'm not really looking for a relationship at the moment. I'm so sorry,"

"I just got friend zoned by Lola." He spoke to him self. I nervously laughed at his comment. "At least you didn't call me a brother," he said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not looking for a boyfriend at the moment," I said.

"It's okay," he said.

"We're still staying friends, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, defiantly," he said.

"And anything won't go awkward between us, right?" I asked.

"Course not,"

"Good," I said, smiling genuinely.

"Okay then, I'll let you go," he said, it sounded a lot deeper than it should have done.

"Okay then, see you,"

"See you." He said before ending the call.

After ending the call my phone went back to SMS mode, like Blackberry's do, meaning I could receive the texts I had got during the call.

The text that appeared on screen made me scream.

"Hi Lola Christian, we recently contacted you regarding the fact you were shortlisted through to the final 50 contestants. I am pleased to deliver the news that you have been selected to be featured on the show. Please check your email for further details and complete the form within 24 hours. Thank you for entering and see you soon. Fingerprint HQ."

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