APU:C88 "Caelum" - 2047

74 11 12

[Log:2483]|[RE:JANUS:6|Acting Head Botanist]|[-275320.48985286657]

It's taken nearly the entire seven months since I was activated to rehabilitate the JANUS6's aeroponics bay. As a Tier:1 AP android, I don't have clearance to access the ship's service records.

I'm still unsure of what nearly decimated "the greenhouse" in the first place. I suspect whatever it was is likely responsible for the diminutive headcount aboard JANUS6 as well.

As a fleet-class ship, I expected to have more than fifty or so crewmates, but I digress.

Tiga.01 possesses a lush surface of foliage and the captain has announced her intentions to reach and enter its orbit within the week.

If allowed, I could potentially harvest a much-needed stock of thriving vegetation to propagate from.

[Log:5236]|[RE:JANUS:6|Acting Head Botanist]|[-275314.7914129884]

Confirmed in today's briefing that we'll be required to visit Tiga.01's surface in parties or pairs. I assume this to be a safety precaution, and I find it problematic.

The ship's Chef would be the most practical choice for company on this away-mission. He could provide invaluable input on desirable plants for consumption.

However, I fear we aren't on the best of terms. I've not been programmed to decipher every nuance of Sentient socialization behavior. He's also requested on multiple occasions that I cultivate plants known to be quite toxic to the human members of the crew.

I've since recommended he adjust his Nibiruian recipes accordingly.

I considered the head engineer, as he seems sociable and has also expressed interest in visiting the planet.

Though I've found his pastime of jovially serving as self-appointed "Space Bard" to be moderately distracting, and more appropriate for situations where morale is concerned.

[Log:8472]|[RE:JANUS:6|Acting Head Botanist]|[-275312.0198503298]

I've elected a crew member to accompany me to the surface. I have yet to discover what position he actually serves on JANUS6.

When I inquired, he informed me he was the maintenance manager of the ship's "Space Dragon".

I took this to be a sexually suggestive quip based on the hand gesture he provided for emphasis when he said, "Space Dragon."

[Log:9354]|[RE:JANUS:6|Acting Head Botanist]|[-275306.5403982751]

He's the operations officer.

[Log:6128]|[RE:JANUS:6|Acting Head Botanist]|[-275303.8006722477]

My mission was successful! Tiga.01 had an abundance of useful plant life as predicted.

The weather was fair, though we did experience a light rainfall. My expedition partner's companionship also proved to be... insightful.

I suspect he'll be willing to accompany me again on future missions.

Assorted clippings—grafting potential—x20
Pachyrhizus erosus—root vegetable—x6
Outubrillonna asotrort—flowering—x1
Zingiber officinale—root vegetable—x2
Eclanium uthaire—aromatic herb—x4
Homo sapiens—Space Dragon—x1

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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