Episode 14: Splitting Manipulation- Downtime/Elimination

Start from the beginning

"I'm not giving up. Matthew has to be the one to go tonight. If Katelyn and Kiana won't go along with my plan, I know people who will."- Rhythm

"I'll go tell Daniel and Amalia about the plan," Rhythm declared.

"Alright, we'll be in here if you need us!" Kiana assured as Rhythm left the room.

"What's with Rhythm lately?" Katelyn asked to Kiana, "It's like she's just turned into a strategist."

"Maybe she had an argument with Matthew or something," Kiana suggested, "There might be something going on that I'm not aware of."

"Y'know, you're right," Katelyn agreed, "She might be planning something else."

"Do you want Tory gone for sure? 'Cause there's a way," Kiana assured as she leaned towards Katelyn and whispered in her ear.

"Wow. Kiana is actually being strategic. And it's cruel strategizing too!  Even for my standards! Has Hell frozen over?"- Katelyn

"I hate to go behind people's backs like this, but I know that I need to start playing the game. Before I left, my mom told me 'Don't do anything stupid'. What I'm about to do could change the course of the game."- Kiana

"That's...brilliant!" Katelyn admitted, "This is the Kiana that I've been waiting to see!"

"Thanks," Kiana thanked as her and Katelyn shared a hug, "But we need to get this plan in place now."


While Katelyn & Kiana discussed the details of their plan, Daniel & Amalia were in one of the bedrooms of the mini-mansion, ready to settle in. This was the second time that they were able to share the mini-mansion with each other, and they didn't want to let this opportunity to go to waste.

"Now come here..." Amalia ordered as she pulled Daniel onto their shared bed with her.

"Hold up," Daniel remarked as he stood back up, "Let's not get too frisky right now. We need to talk."

"What about?" Amalia asked, still seated on her bed.

"I expected Daniel to be a bit more...'peppy' after winning a challenge. But hey, I'll be diplomatic for a bit."- Amalia

"Now that Amalia and I have some time alone, I want to talk to her about making our relationship less physical and more mental. Now, I'm not terrible at discussions, but I don't have much experience talking about love. Hopefully this goes smoothly."- Daniel

"Now, obviously we've been doing a lot of...'lip-locking' as of lately. I'm not saying that I don't like it, but I think we should cut down a bit," Daniel admitted, trying to be calm.

"C'mon Dani-bear!" Amalia ushered, trying to be cute, "You and I both know that you love it."

"Okay, first off, please don't call me 'Dani-Bear'. 'Daniel' is fine; 'Dani-Bear' is too cheesy," Daniel explained, "Yes, I do like kissing and all, but I don't want our relationship to be solely physical. I want us to be able to enjoy doing things with each other that aren't making out."

"I get it..." Amalia agreed reluctantly.

"I mean, there's more to love than kissing and making out," Daniel noted.

"Now you're starting to sound like my parents," Amalia admitted as she stood up from the bed.

"I don't want us to turn out like Geoff and Bridgette where all our time together is spent making out," Daniel admitted.

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