"Well anyways, I'm skipping class to get a drink or a snack maybe. Do call if you change your mind. You still have my number right?" he said smirking as he turned and walked towards the glass doors.

To be completely honest, he tempted me. Who could say no to skipping Mr.Warrington's talk on Physics?

"Kennedy!" I shouted loud enough for the empty hallway to seem even more silent. "Wait up"

"I knew you couldn't resist some good old Dallas fun!" he said smiling brightly and pulling me around his arm.

"Where to princess?" he asked as he passed me a helmet and sat on his bike.

"The end of the horizon" I said giggling as I sat behind him.

"Hang on" he said as I caught on tight.

The bike zoomed out of the school gates and straight into the familiar streets of the city. I loved the way the wind blew through my hair, like all my problems had just disappeared and nothing else mattered other than reaching the final destination.

After a while he slowed down at an old park that we used to meet up in everytime we skipped class.

Taking off the helmet that still gave me the whiff of the Dallas Kennedy's famous cologne, it was like he planned everything out, but that's Dallas, the boy scout, for you. Always prepared.

"Admit it! You missed this" he said helping me off.

"The bike rides maybe? But not you so don't get your hopes high" I replied rolling my eyes.

"Remember that spot?" he asked pointing out to the small fountain in the middle of the park.

"How could I forget?" I said smiling a bit as I walked towards the fountain.


"Stand still!" Dallas shouted from behind the camera while I twirled around in my new pair of shoes he bought for me.

"Princess! If you want a picture you're going to have to stop twirling" he said leaving the camera on the stand as he walked towards me.

"Well then, I guess you're going to have to make me stop?" I answered cheekily.

"You asked for it!" he replied smirking before jump starting and running straight towards me.

I squealed before running around the fountain. He chased me till my feet were too tired to move so I stopped to catch a breath.

"Someone's been a naughty girl" I heard a whisper in my ear as two sleek and muscular hands caught me by the hips.

"What's my punishment?" I asked turning around and staring into his eyes.

"This!" he replied and before I knew it I was drenched and sitting in the fountain as the water continued to flow.

"Kennedy!!" I screeched.

"Sorry babe! But this ought to be your hottest moment yet" he said chuckling.
Finally getting what he said I looked down only to see that my white blouse was completely see through and a hint of my pink bra could be seen.

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