Chapter 12- Downhill

Start from the beginning

"I think it's you that promised me something", he flirts giving her a wink as she drags him away.

"Of course", I hear myself mumble . Why was I even surprised?

I mean Tyler had told Daisy that he'd hook up with her.

"Catch you later Monroe", he yells out my surname grinning like a stupid little Cheshire Cat.

"I hope not", I yell back petty.

I had to admit, Tyler leaving with Daisy stung a little and maybe it made me realise that being in denial about my feelings weren't helping anymore.

That didn't change the fact he was still a douche.

I sighed shaking my head as I walked towards the wall Tyler had been leaning in and sat down staring up at the sky.

My mood had now changed and I didn't want to brood but that was exactly what I was doing.


"Is this seat taken?" A guy approaches me cutting me out of my deep thoughts.


"I meant the floor. Is the floor taken?" He chuckles.

"Uh no", I must have look confused but he smiles at me taking the seat next to me. He stays quiet now also looking up at the sky.

I couldn't see much because it was dark and there were only dim lights surrounding us but I could tell he was good looking and the stubbled beard was definitely doing him favours.

The stranger turns to me and smiles.

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding I kind of just saw you sitting here with a look that could turn anyone into stone".

The comment makes my smirk and I turn to look at him, "Don't get on my wrong side and maybe I'll spare you my Medusa's curse".

He laughs and well it's a very cute laugh to be honest. It's also contagious and I find myself begin to grin my mood begins to lighten.

"So want to tell me what a pretty girl like you is doing sitting on the floor rather than partying with her friends?"

"Honestly, I just wanted a breather but I'm good now", I stand up brushing off the dirt and he to does the same.

"Yeah same I'm pretty sure I don't have to smoke the weed to get high in that house", he jokes.

I now noticed and appreciated his pretty light brown eyes.

"So can I get a name?"


"That's unique I like it".

"Thanks, you?" I'm shivering slightly and also cursing the dress for not helping me get warm in anyway.

This is why I enjoyed my sweatpants and hoodies.

This very reason.

"Trevor Daniels".

"Well Trevor I have to admit our short conversation has lifted my mood", I crack him a flirting smile hoping it was charming.

Why I was hoping? God knows.

"Well if you don't mind... and stop me if I'm to forward but maybe this kiss will too", and you know what? I didn't want to stop him. I wanted to let loose like I was always told.

I wanted to kiss this handsome stranger because he was nice— Seemed nice.

"Well, let's test that theory out".

Trevor moves in slowly before his lips pressed gently against mine. For that very moment I forgot about everything, everyone and I was submerged into this sweet delicious kiss. I wrap my arm around his neck and he pulls me closer.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HER", I'm yanked away shocked as ever as I swing my head to see Tyler pulling me back his eyes darken with pure anger.

"WHAT THE FUCK TYLER YOU CANT JUST", I'm cut off when Tyler swings his fists right into Trevor's face knocking him to the ground making me scream out in dumbfounded shock.

"TYLER STOP", I scream but he didn't.

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