Chapter Seventeen: ThunderClan

Start from the beginning

"Actually, he came out of the nursery three moons ago," I corrected, remembering that the DarkClan kits were apprenticed when they were only three moons old. "But he is a brilliant fighter from what I've seen."

Shadeclaw nodded, his eyes watching the apprentice curiously. "Goldenstar didn't let them clean anything so I've started to give him regular duties of cleaning his and Thistlepaw's nests."

"Do you suppose they'll goto the Gathering tonight?" I asked as I stood up and padded away, not caring to hear an answer. I paused at the entrance to Reedstar's den.

"You may come in, Mothflower," the leader mewed, his voice coming out louder than I expected.

I entered, the leader in a nice sunny spot, Dawnstripe next to him and she smiled at me politely.

"Mousepaw is very advanced for a six-mooned old kit. I wish him to come to the Gathering tonight," I claimed. "Thistlepaw should stay, though."

Reedstar nodded. "I will announce the cats coming at once!" He struggled to his paws and exited the den, Dawnstripe and I following after. He let out a yowl as he leaped onto the Tallrock, everyone looking up and sitting to listen.

When everyone had exited the dens and came to listen, Reedstar began, "As we all know, Dawnpool was joined StarClan and now that we all have sat vigil for her, I officially welcome Mothflower as our new medicine cat!"

"Mothflower! Mothflower!" the Clan cheered my name and I felt myself light up with pride, but it was instantly crushed at the mention of Dawnpool. She was one of the bravest cats I think I will ever known.

"The cats going to the Gathering are: Russettail, Mothflower, Shadeclaw, Mousepaw, Moonfall, Whitefoot, Cherryheart, and Scratchtail!" he announced. "The rest of you must stay here and gather the rest of the brambles for the repairs on the apprentice's den."

I looked up at the sun. It was going down fast and soon we'd be off.

Whitefang padded towards me, a long-stemmed plant in his jaws he set them down and looked at me. "Is this the herb?"

"Yes!" I could already smell the strong scent and I instantly knew he had found it. "Thank you so much!" I purred and then picked them up, padding into my den. I put them in their place and sat down.

Light pawsteps had entered my den and a new and unfamiliar voice made me glance at her. "My belly hurts, Mothflower. Can you help me?"

Sweetheart, I thought with interest. I hadn't spoken much to her either. "Well, you are going to have kits in less than three moons so it should hurt," I told her honestly.

"N-no. It's more like a cramp, in my stomach... And it burns when I swallow," she explained.

I grabbed three Poppy Seeds and pawed them to her. "Take those and then come back to me in the morning if is still hurts."

She nodded, took them, and then padded out and I heard Reedstar yowl for the Gathering cats to gather.

Rushing out of the den, I stood beside Moonfall and Russettail who were whispering and purring at each other quietly.

Reedstar led them out of camp and suddenly I was running faster than Russettail and Moonfall and past Scratchtail. I could feel the warm wind in my fur and I knew Greenleaf was almost here. Then everything would surely be alright: More prey, lots of kits, and more herbs to go around.

Pushing past the Steppe, we neared Fourtrees and the image of Dawnpool falling from the Greatrock and hitting the ground, hard, flashed through my mind. I had sat with her while Russettail avenged his sister's death.

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