8. New Kid and Cheeky Haz

Start from the beginning

Lunch time comes around and I sit with Ely. We are talking about Teen Wolf when I hear a cough behind me, "Is anyone sitting here?"

"No, you can sit here if you want Kyle," I tell him. Ely gives me a look and I just shrug; Just because he's new doesn't mean I'm going to be mean to him.

"So what are you lovely ladies talking about?" Kyle asks.

"Penis," Ely says with a smile. I choke on my water as Kyle's eyes widen in shock.

"N-No we weren't. She's just kidding." I say to him.

"So where are you from Kyle?" Ely laughs a bit.

"Brighton" He answers back.

"Oh, I've heard cool things about Brighton. Did you have a girlfriend?"

"No, not in a while."

"Why not?"

"No one caught my eye... until now," He says while looking down at his food with a smirk. I look down at my phone because I felt it vibrate. I look back up when I realize it was just an email. I look at Ely to see her eyebrows furrowed as if she is thinking about something. The lunch bell rings and we head off to the next class.

3 hours later and school is over for the day! Ely is taking me home and we are currently in the car listening to the rain hit the windows. I can't wait to get in bed and watch movies.

"I don't like him." Ely blurts out.

"Who?" I ask.

"Kyle. I just get this weird vibe. Like he isn't who he says he is," she says.

I sigh, "I mean yeah he is a bit weird. A little too jumpy maybe but just give him a chance."

"I'll be nice, but I'm keeping my distance and so should you." She warns me.

"What? Why?"

"Just don't trust him so easily V." She says as she stops in front of my house.

"Okay Mom," I tease her. "See you tomorrow. Love you." I say to her before getting out of the car and get inside. I take off my shoes at the door and go to the living room. I see Zayn watching TV.

"Hey Zee," I say to him as I sit next to him.

"Hey V, how was school?"

"It was ehh, there's this new kid. His name is Kyle."

"Ohhh. Should I keep an eye out for him?" He looks at me and smiles.

"No, nothing like that. He is just someone I met today. It's not like anything is going to happen. Besides..." I trail off, not wanting to tell him about the weird vibe Ely got from him. Zayn will get protective and tell me to stay away which is nice, but there's no need this time.

"Besides what?" He asks.

"He isn't my type anyway. He's too jumpy." I answer back. It technicially wasn't a lie.

"Oh, okay. Well as long as he isn't disrespecting you." I nod to him. "Okay, well I was about to head to the hospital to see Dad." He gets up and grabs his keys. I would love to go but I want to give Dad and Zayn some time with each other. They haven't spent as much time together since Zayn was on tour.

"Okay, well I am going to do homework and watch movies." I say to him and grab my bag and head upstairs. "TELL DAD I LOVE HIM!" I yell downstairs to Zayn. He makes a sound to let me know that he heard me. I get in my room and close the curtin and turn on laptop on. "Movie time!" I say to myself before changing into comfy clothes and getting into bed.

Halfway through 13 Going on 30 I make popcorn and while I'm eating it, I take a picture of the bowl and the movie and tweet, "Rainy days are my favorite :)". I lock my phone and continue watching the movie. I hear my phone make a tweet sound and unlock it to see who tweeted me.

@Harry_Styles: @VeryVara What a classic. Can I get some?"

I smile while reading his name but quickly stop as I realize I was doing it subconciously. He knows how much I love this movie. I remember when he watched it while he was on tour because he sent me a picture of the screen and a message saying, "Thinking of you while watching this...it's your fault :P".

"@VeryVara: Nope, not unless you fly back here. :P"

"@Harry_Styles: Buying my ticket as we speak @VeryVara"

I blush because I know that he would actually come back here if I asked him to. He is always very caring and would do anything for his friends.

"@VeryVara: @Harry_Styles save your money Styles. Have some of that Cheshire popcorn yeah?"

"@Harry_Styles: Wasn't talking about the popcorn @VeryVara ;)"

OH.MY.GOD. I gasped out loud when I read that. That little flirt! I laugh like crazy. I texted him since I didn't want all the fans to see our conversation.

To: Haz

You dirty minded young man styles!


I laugh as I see the fans going crazy over what he said. I then get a picture message from...Harry? I open it and my heart literally stops beating. He is in bed laying on his side with his eyes barely open. He is probably wearing boxers but I still blush because he looks so cuddly and beautiful...I can call him beautiful and still mean it in a friendly way....right?

To: Haz

Nudes already Haz? Don't you think that's a little too fast :P


I tease him, not commenting on his appearance at all. I don't want him to get all cocky and think that I have feelings for him..because I don't....think I do. I stay in thought for a while until I get another text.

From: Haz

I'm wearing boxers, love... for now ;)


This boy will be the death of me.

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