"This just hit you?" I asked them.

"Yeah.... were pretty slow when it comes to things like this...." Toni said and I chuckled.

"Well you're fathers quicksilver" I said and there eyes widened.

"Now I had no idea about that...." Jewels said and I chucked.

"You guys are gonna be the death of me one day" I said.

"But you can't die! You're immortal practically. You always come back when you die" Toni said.

"I've died before and I can do it again" I said

"Yeah but you'll come back you always do!" He said smiling.

"Dude What are you doing?"  Jewels asked.

"I'm getting major deja vu" I groaned.

"Yeah me too" Tony groaned. I smirked and froze the ground under Toni.

"Ah mom! That was rude" he said and I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Stella un freeze my floor please." Tony said. I snapped and it went away.

"Mrs. Maximoff you're husband is here" Friday said and my eyes widened.

"Well I can't get rid of him now." I groaned.

"Stells you gonna be alright?" Tony asked.

"Will you all stay here with me?" I asked.

"Of course. I'll beat him if he lays a finger on you" Alex said. I smiled.

"Stella?" He asked from behind me. I turned around and pietro stood there. I took a step back.

"Uh Jewels, Toni why don't you guys go to the training room and we will all meet you there after" I said.

"Ok." Jewels said.

"Bye Dad" Toni said.

"Bye Toni" he said. Jewels and Toni walked out of the room.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I just came to apologize" he said.

"Pietro i can't... I can't forgive you right now. You beat the shit out of me then said you hated me" I said with tears in my eyes.

"I was under some sort of serum" he said.

"I don't care. Zeke said that there was truth serum in it" I said wiping my eye.

"You said that I ruined you're life and that bad things happen when ever people are around me. Thinking about it I don't totally disagree. But you still hurt me" I said.

"What did I do?" He asked looking at the ground.

"You said those things, you broke my nose a couple ribs, you gave me a black eye and a busted lip" I said looking away. He put his hand up to touch my cheek. But I backed away.

"Don't touch me please" I whispered.

"What's gonna happen to us?" He asked. I looked down at my hand and took off my wedding ring. I opened his hand and put it in and closed it again.

"Give it back to me when we're ready" I said biting my lip and he nodded.

"I uh think you should go" I said to him.

"Ok tell the Twins happy birthday tomorrow and that I love them please?" He asked.

"Of course" I said. He gave a small sad smile and walked out. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Stella you ok?" Steve asked and I bit my lip to stop my tears.

"That ring has been on that finger for 14 years. Now it's gone" I said and sighed.

"Uh we should go down to the training room" I said and walked away. I went to my room and changed into some training clothes. I walked out of my room and headed down to the training room.

"Stells! Let's fight show the children and Addie and Viv how it's done!" Alex said I smirked and stepped into the ring and the avengers and kids watched.

"Don't go easy on me" Alex said.

"When do I ever go easy on anyone. Come on seriously who do you guys think I am? I'm a Stark" I said smirking.

"3, 2, 1. SPAR!" Nat yelled out. I smirked as he threw a punch. I grabbed it and flipped him.

 I grabbed it and flipped him

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"Woah. Yeah go mom!!" Toni and Juliette yelled out. He lunged at me but I got it.

I stood up and whipped my hands on my pants

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I stood up and whipped my hands on my pants. 

"And that is how its done!" i said. Everyone clapped.

"We have the coolest mom ever!" Toni said. 

"Yeah we do" Jewels said. I realized something.

"Friday call Phil Coulson" I said.

"Calling Phil Coulson"  It rang a couple times and he answered. 

"Coulson here" he said.

"Yo coulson its Stella" I said

"Whats up Stella?" he asked.

"I uh cant come in tomorrow. Its my children's birthday and i wanna spend it with them"  I said.

"Yeah that's fine with me" he said 

"Thanks. Ill see you on Friday" I said and hung up.

"Who wants to fight next?"

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now