She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Can I... keep a painting of his?"

I rose an eyebrow, but nodded. "Of course," then an idea came to mind. "What about, I make an art gallery, I do have the connections to do it," I began to make the plans for it. "How would you like that?"

"I think... Samuel would really love that,"

"Well, he should've stayed alive, to see it happen," I turned toward the door, hearing a pained gasp leave her lips. "I will inform the workers that you're welcome here, one of the maids will provide you with the number of our driver if you ever need anything," I left before she had a chance to respond.

I don't do well with crying people.

"Master Aiko..."

"No one bother me, I'm going to be working. Please give our guest a ride home and provide her with Isaac's number. She's always welcome here," I stepped into my office, shutting the door behind me.

I started to plan the gallery.


There was a knock on my door.

"I told you, no one bother me,"

The door opened, making me look up from my laptop. I spotted Kyoya at the door and leaned back in surprise.


He smiled sadly. "Your butler... told me about Samuel. He said you aren't taking it well," he walking into the office, shutting the door behind him.

"I don't know why he'd tell you that, I feel fine, I'm actually starting a project. I'm going to put all of his art work into a gallery. It's—"

He leaned over my desk, shutting my laptop. "No working right now, my love,"


He silenced me with a look. "You haven't let yourself think,"

I stood for my chair, walking around my desk to be closer to him. "Think about what?" I questioned.

He placed his hands on my hips gently. Pulling me toward him.

"You lost your uncle,"

"I didn't lose him, he just decided he wanted to leave," I leaned my head on his shoulder. "... when they found him, he had a letter next to him, a letter for me,"

"Did you read it?"

"No... not all of it,"

"Would you like me to read it with you?"

I nodded. "I would," i mumbled against the material of his shirt.

He walked slowly toward the couch, not letting me go, which I appreciated. When he sat, he placed me on his lap. I grabbed the folder, pulling the note out.

"I left off here," I pointed.

I wanted this note to be perfect. I've meaning to tell you something, but I couldn't bare to see you break. No, not just break, but shatter.

Kyoya tightened his grip on my waist.

I figured, maybe you shouldn't know. Something like this would hurt you so much. I don't even want to be around when you find out. I guess... I'm writing this letter because i won't.

The purpose of this note was to say I'm sorry for leaving you alone. But I can't stay. I just can't. Don't worry about telling your mother... don't bother her on her vacation. Just know I love you and her and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

I placed the note back into the folder and set the folder on the coffee table. We sat silent for a moment.

"He's hiding something from me. Even after death,"

"He's protecting you, Aiko,"

I looked into his eyes. "You're hiding something too,"

He stared right back and then slowly, he looked away.

I knew it.

I'm going to find out what it is they're hiding from me.

Guyssss it's October!!!! I love Halloween so much I'm excited.

Sorry for typos! Ciao!

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