when we get there snotlout already has our tickets. i'm starting to get a bad feeling about this, we sit at our seats and i punch his arm. "What was that for?!" he says angrily. "Why are you taking me here?!, if Ruff found out you came to a show like this" i say trying to get out of here.

"Stop being such a wuss besides she's in the show" i face-palm myself. "You are a dirty-minded idiot" i say annoyed. "Its who i am" he says as if he was proud of himself.

all the models start walkng out, including Ruff. she blows a kiss to snotlout and he cheers her on. But one of the girls catches my eye. She wears her hair down in curls, her eyes are ocean blue and she wears a white wedding dress.

as she passes me, i recognize her. its Astrid. She looks even more beautiful than when i met her. 10 minutes later the show ends.

"Well i'm gonna go see Ruff, see you later" says Snotlout. i grab his arm, "Wait!, i mean can i go with you?" i say impatiently. "Fine but don't do anything hiccupy" he says annoyed.

and i follow him backstage.

Astrid POV

i take off the dress and change back into my shorts, shirt, sweater and shoes. As i hang up the dress, i notice someone tall behind it with auburn hair. i ignore it and hang up the dress anyway. the rack moves towards me and hits my head. "Owww" i say as the pain starts flooding in. "I'm so sorry" says a voice as someone helps me up. when i look at the person i see Hiccup.

"I-I....I" i stutter. "Its okay" i say as i try to walk but instead hit another rack. "Here let me help you" he says as he helps me sit in a chair. "How'd you find me?" i say as i look at him. "Actually i didn't know you were here, my cousin brought me here" he explains.

"Astrid are you okay?" says Chase worriedly as he rushes over to me. "Ya i'm fine Hiccup helped me" i say while holding my head. "Chase, Hiccup. Hiccup, Chase" i intorduce them to each other.

my phone starts to ring and i look at it, the picture of my dad pops up. i pick it up. "Hi dad" i respond. "Hello honey how are things?" he asks me. "Fine fine just working" i reply back. "Don't tell me your still working as a model" he says a bit annoyed. "No tonight was my last night" i say respond back. "Good to hear" he replies. "Dad i have to hang up i'm going home" i say to him. "Okay bye honey" he says happily. "oh wait, tell Eret i said he's a dork" i snicker. "I heard that" i can hear Eret's voice in the background. "Pass me really quick to Eret" i say while giggling. "Hey butterscotch" he says annoyingly, "Hey dork" i reply giggling. "Hey thats not nice" he says annoyingly. "Whatever how are things going?" i ask him. "Good alot of work here at the police station with dad" he says proudly. "I have to go, i miss you guys bye love you two" i say as he says goodbye and hangs up.

"You okay?" asks Hiccup. "Ya" i say as i grab my bag and get up. "I'll take you if you like" offers Hiccup. "Why not it won't hurt anyone" i say as i get up. my phone rings again, "Now who is it?" i mumble. i pick up the phone, "Hello?" i say a bit annoyed. "I hate to disturb you Astrid" i hear someone's voice say. "Who are you?" i say worriedly. "You don't remember me, the little boy who watched his father get killed" he says as the memory starts flooding back.


A man storms into our house and runs after my mother. I didn't understand what he was doing, i could hear my mother's footsteps. i was only five i didn't understand.

A little boy comes in with a nametag, must've gone to school i thought the name Dagur written on it. he watched as the man harrassed my mother.

i could hear her blood curdling screams. making me jump out of my skin. "Astrid grab the gun!!" she yelled.

i looked at the drawer, i fired a gun only once my daddy on thanksgiving took me hunting with Eret.

The Angel That Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now