Love at First Sight Pt3

Start from the beginning

It was a week later, the day of their dance performance in front of the entire school and their mammas and Peter and Marie could not be more excited. They had worked extra hard on their routine and were sure they were going to win the duet division of the competition. However, they had agreed that if one of them won the solo part of the competition, it wouldn't effect their unofficial relationship. They went through the entire day, the competition being the thing on everyone's mind. Finally it was time. At 4:00, they were assigned a classroom that would act as a dressing room. They rehearsed, and got dressed in their costumes, and finally, it was 5:00 and the competition began. The duet half of the competition was first, half of the acts were pretty bad while others looked like they could prove to be some real competition. Finally, Peter and Marie were called, the last duet of the competition, went on stage and started to perform.

At the end they bowed and ran off stage. "That was so good!" Marie exclaimed. " I know right!" Peter picked her up and spun her around. When he stopped spinning her, their faces were very close, so close that Peter could smell her watermelon kiwi lip smacker on her lips. " You were really good out there." Peter said. He was hypnotized by Marie's dark chocolate eyes. " Y-yeah you too." Peter then made a decision. He took a deep breath and gathered his courage. " Marie can I um-" " Kiss me? Yeah please do." Peter lightly pressed his lips against Marie's and it felt like fireworks. Marie rapped her arms around Peter's neck, which deepened the kiss. They only separated when they ran out of air. " That was-" " - Late? Yeah very." They laughed, still in each other's embrace. " Marie, will you be my girlfriend?" Marie smiled. " Oh Peter I'd love to." She went in to kiss him, but before she could, Principal Mortia came over the intercom. " Students please start preparing for the solo part of the performance. You have ten minuets. The two teens separated and raced to their classroom to get ready. After getting ready, they watched the solos that go before them. When it was Peter's turn, Marie gave him a chaste kiss and pushed him out on stage. He began to dance.

His routine was amazing!  The crowed gave him a standing ovation. Marie was scared, she liked winning and even though she promised it wouldn't dent their relationship, she was still sure it would wound her pride. But she gathered herself and went out on stage, ready to perform.

She stood on stage, the crowed dead quiet. She thought she bombed her solo, but then the crowed erupted. There was so much applause, she was sure she was going to go deaf. People began throwing roses and flowers. She bowed and went backstage where she was attacked by hugs from her friends. She turned around and was once again scooped up by Peter, who had began giving her a series of butterfly kisses. " What is this for?"she asked when he had stopped kissing her and she had stopped laughing. " That was amazing! Babe, you made me cry!" Peter exclaimed and true enough, her boyfriend's eyes were  a light red. She blushed muttering a small thank you. While waiting for the award ceremony, Peter, Ned , MJ and Marie talked about her and Peter's new relationship and the competition. Finally it was time for awards. " Alright how is everyone doing tonight?" Coach asked in her best announcement voice. All the students sat on the stage and their family members were in the audience. " That's good to hear! Our judges have deliberated very hard on our winners and I am sure they made great decisions. First we will have the duets. In fifth place we have MJ and Ned." The two friends went up and grabbed their trophy and sat back  down. " In fourth place we have Flash and Liz!" Flash looked smugly at Peter and Marie, acting as if he had just won first instead of fourth. From there coach announced third and second place. " Lastly, in first place we have, drum roll please.... PETER PARKER AND MARIE MATTHEWS!" The two jumped up and hugged each other, knowing they couldn't kiss in-front of the faculty, staff and parents sitting in the audience. After taking a picture, they sat down with their trophy and waited for the solo judging. " Now for the moment you've all been waiting for! It's time for the solo awards. Now our students have been working very hard and impressed our judges. So in fifth place.." and it went on like that, until it was time to announce the first place winners. " Now, It was so hard for our judges to choose our first place winner, so with a tie of a perfect score... In first place again we have PETER AND MARIE!" They got up and hugged each other, this time it was harder to resist kissing one another. They took their trophies and sat down on the stage. The performance ended, and parents started to meet up with their children to congratulate her them and go home. Peter and Marie went back to the dressing room. Peter changed first. The Marie went behind the curtain they were provided with and was changing her clothes when the Avengers, Pepper, Harley, and all of Peter's extended family bust in, slightly startling Peter but Marie sort of expected it. They were talking about how great Peter was and how he should have won the whole thing. Marie rolled her eyes but didn't mind much, did it hurt a little , yeah, but what could she do. Family will be family. But she was finally done changing and decided to make her presence known. With a final zip of her high heeled boot, she stepped out from behind the curtain. Everyone turned to look at her, but Peter was staring and almost drooling. She was wearing a red skirt with a tan long sleeved shirt, a pair of black tights, black high heel boots, and a black trench coat with a cream-colored clutch.

 She was wearing a red skirt with a tan long sleeved shirt, a pair of black tights, black high heel boots, and a black trench coat with a cream-colored clutch

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" Um who are you?" Natasha asked, reaching for her gun just Incase she was a threat. Peter then snapped out of his trance and ran over to Marie and rapped his and around her shoulders. "Marie this is my family, guys meet Maria Alicia, my girl friend." And That's when the room exploded.
After the initial shock of Peter's new relationship, Marie was invited to dinner with Peter and his family. She denied at first, not wanting to intrude. But the family insisted, wanting to learn more about the mystery girl. Dinner was amazing, they went to Olive Garden and had a great time. Everyone told Marie embarrassing stories about Peter and Pepper even showed her some baby pictures. In the end she was happy with Peter and loved his family. She knew now, that Love At Fist Sight Does Truly exist.
Or so she thought

A/N: WELP SORRY IT WAS SO LONG! Please give me more requests and tell me if you want more one shots with Peter x Marie. Have a good day friends!

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