“How’d you get in here?” He says as he sits up running his hands through his hair getting the free strands out of his face. 

“Long story. We have to get out of here. Do you have your wand? I snatched one from a Death Eater... But it doesn’t obey me.” I show him the wand. A smile spreads across his face. 

“Death Eaters all own identical wands after the Wizarding War. All the wands obey all Death Eaters.” 

I hand the wand to Leo. He pulls up his sleeve and holds the tip of the wand to his dark mark. A dim dark glow fills the room and Leo groans. 

The glow disappears and he looks up and smiles at me. I just smile back. “It will obey me now. I’m its new owner.” 


The stone walls explode opening a passage. “Come on! Lets go! I’ve they heard the explosion, they’ll be here any minute.” Leo grabs my hand and we start running

“Where are we! Where is this place, I mean where ARE we!” I shout. “Don’t worry we’re not far from safety! Keep Running!” We get to Dead End. Leo feels around the wall “Got it!” 

The wall changes form into a huge stone wall. “Alohomora” The Door doesn’t budge. “Damn it!” Leo shouts breaking the wand in half. 

“They’re coming!” Death Eaters approach quickly. I look back to the door. Then Magically, the serpent carving appears once more. I look into its eyes. 

“Open the Doors!” I shout out loud. The door breaks in half and open the path. “Leo we have to go.” When I look back, his eyes are full of fear. I grab his hand and pull him through the door. The door closed behind us. 

“How... how did you do that?” I look at him confused. “What do you mean ‘that’ what?” 

He looks at me with disbelief. 

“You just spoke... snake... Lily, are you a Parslemouth? Your father was a Parslemouth, It isn’t impossible.” 

A Parslemouth? What was he talking about. I didn’t know how to speak snake. 

“I’m not. I just said ‘Open the Doors’ when I looked into the serpent's eyes.”  

“You just spoke snake again.” Then we hear an explosion ahead of us. Both of us tense up as the dust from the collapsing rocks fill the air. 

Scorpius’s POV

All of us stand up and examine the place to be sure where we were. I looked to Albus and he nodded. 

The Chamber of Secrets.

“We are just beneath Hogwarts. This whole time Lily was here” 

Albus blurts as he looks around trying to get a grip of where to go. Green was sitting on the floor strained from all the energy she used. I look for Kimberly but she is nowhere to be seen. Green must have screwed up at some point and failed to bring her with us, which I was completely fine with. 

“Lets try to move on. Green are you feeling better?” I ask. She nods and stands up.  Albus helps her up. Before we continue Albus writes a note about our location and attaches it to his owl Fredwig. 

“How’s he going to get out of here? I doubt he knows his way out of the Chamber of Secrets.” I mention.

“I’m going to get him outside somewhere near Hogwarts building and then he’ll be able to find his way. No worries Malfoy.” 

We continue our walk deeper into the cave.

“Uhm. One thing. Are we missing Kimberly? Its awfully quite.” Albus mentions after a few minuets of walking. 

“Don’t worry about her, I had a weird feeling that she was going to screw something up, so I left here there.” Green tells us. This girl was awesome. All of us laugh for a while.

A few minuets later we get to a mountain of rocks blocking out way too high to climb. 

The three of us point our wand to the rubble.


After several tries, the pile of rocks are low enough to climb past. We cough as the dust settles. When It does, we don’t believe who stands on the other side. 

“Lily? Bloody Hell! Lily!” Albus is the first one to run forward before any of us can make a move and embraces her in a hug. Green and I follow him down the hill of rubble. He gives her brotherly kisses on her forehead and Lily playfully slaps his arm. Totally deserved that. 

“Albus! What... stop doing that Al!” She turns her view towards me. Our eyes fix. 

We stand there in silence for a while. Then my brian goes ‘What the hell’ Then I pull her into a kiss.

She kisses me back and soon we get heated up. At the corner of my eye I see Albus giving me the look. Lily pulls away after a while. We embrace each other. 

“I missed you so much... I dreamed of you. I love you so much.” Lily whispers in my ear. 

“I love you too Lily I love you so much.” I whisper back. 

“Hello Scorpius. Its been a while. I guess” Someone calls my name from behind Lily.

“Hello... do I know you?” I look back at him. 

“Hello Scorpius, you probably don’t remember me. My name is Leo Malfoy, did Mum and Dad ever mention me or... Uhm Hi Scoprius, I’m your brother.”

What the hell. 

A/N: The last part was kinda awkward. Um I'll probobally edit that later :P Thanks for reading :) 

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xoxo Jenna_98 

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