Author's Note

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Hey, guys! 

I'm SO PUMPED to have been selected to write a story on behalf of @NationalGeographic 's #PlanetOrPlastic campaign. Not only have I read and loved National Geographic my entire life, but this is also for a cause I'm extremely passionate about. As someone who grew up near the beach, I'm so grateful to be part of an initiative working to better our oceans. 

This contest is an amazing way for YOU to get involved too!!!

In 500 words or less, write a story—real or fiction—to create an ocean of change by inspiring others to consider the impact of plastics on the planet. However you decide to turn the tide, post it to your profile and tag it #PlanetOrPlastic. Then send it to me so I can read it!!! 


Beach Toys • #PlanetOrPlasticWhere stories live. Discover now