Kate's view Chapter 18. Fun And Sweet Memories

Start from the beginning

I walk to the stairs but I'm stopped as Daryl grabs a hold of my waist as he begins to kiss my neck slowly "I love you angel" he says in a tender voice. I giggle and look at him "I love you to" I say in a soft voice, we walk up the stairs to the bedroom once I'm in there I'm pulling out my outfit and shoes. "Angel I see you pulled out the Juicy Couture outfit that I've been wanting you to wear" he says in a very serious tone , I stick my tongue out at him as I walk into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I hear him sigh heavily "I love teasing him" I say to myself as I wash my hair and body off, after I'm done I walk into the room and see him tapping his leg looking very much aggravated "What's wrong my monster teddy bear?" I say in a soft yet worried tone. He pulls me towards him I'm practically straddled on him "Daryl" I say in surpires he knows I'm just in a towel with nothing else on then it hits me as I see a grin appear on his face, I feel him move his hand slowly up my thigh I bite my lip slowly "Why does he have to do this now?" I say to myself. I feel his hand move further up my thigh "Oh Angel you look good enough to eat" he says in a seductive tone as he licks his lips slowly, I feel myself being lifted up as I start feel his tongue hitting my sensitive spot repeatedly "Daryl" I say in soft tone as I let out a little moan. I take off the towel as he continues to lick my clit more I slowly run my hand in his hair as I moan his name, he ranches up and grabs my breast and starts to squeeze it and moving it around.I lean back some as I take in all the pleasurement that he's giving me, he starts to go faster which causes me to moan louder"Fuck" I say breathlessly "You taste so good angel" he says before he continues to lick my clit. He starts to rub my clit fast with his hand I begin to moan louder "Daryl your going to make me" I say but he cuts me off "Cum? Please do Angel" he says as he licks an rubs my clit fast, I lean back I can feel myself about to "Daryl" I say in a whimper only thing I hear is a groan from him as I start to cum. I try to get up but he holds me down as he slowly licks my sensitive spot "Thank you angel for the midday snack" he says in a mischievous tone, I turn red with embarrassment as I get myself off of him "I can't lie it felt amazing" I say to myself.

I walk into the bathroom to freshen up as I re-enter the room Daryl has a grin on his face I just shake my head and I start to get dressed, "Hurry up Angel we don't want Matt getting mad at us for keeping them waiting" he says with a smile. I glare at him which causes him to laugh "He thinks his funny" I say to myself as I finish getting dressed , once in done Daryl takes my hand an leads me down stairs where we see Matt Skyler and TJ in the living room. "About time" Matt says as he shakes his head, Daryl smiles and tells TJ to watch duke for us that will be back in a few hours, TJ tells him okay an rubs Dukes head which causes Duke to wag his tail like crazy. "We ready?" I say as I walk towards the front door Daryl comes from behinds me an opens the door with a smile, "Thank you" I say in a soft tone as I walk out the door looking at him but when I look straight ahead I stop dead in my tracks "Oh" I say with a surpires tone. Skyler gasps and then I hear  Daryl and Matt laugh "So girls how do you like the Escalade" they both say , I turn around an look at Daryl with a smile he walks up to me and hugs me and Matt does the same to Skyler , "Only the best for my angel" Daryl whispers in my ear I giggle before kissing him as a thank you.

As we walk to the Escalade and I see Daryl pull out the keys to it "Daryl who's is this anyways" I say in a curious tone, he smiles and looks at me "Its TJs angel" he says in a soft tone. I'm shocked "who know TJ had this nice of a vehicle" I say to myself as I open the door and get in and so does everyone else, Daryl starts it up an pulls out the driveway and we head to Time Square "Angel stay close to me understand" Daryl says in serious tone I nod my head a yes as I look out the window. We get to Time Square and my eyes go wide like a child on christmas day "Angel is this your first time here" Daryl says with a smile I nod my head yes and smile at him"Yeah I've never been here" I say in a soft tone, he smiles at me as he finds a place to park. Once we park we get out Daryl locks TJ Escalade and we all walk along the busy street, I hold Daryls hand tightly so I wouldn't lose him in the crowd because you can get pulled into it easily. "What store do want to go in first angel" Daryl says with a smile, I look back an I don't see Matt or Skyler "Um Daryl where did they go?" I say with a concerned tone of voice Daryl looks at me "Angel we're all going to meet up at the restaurant don't worry this is me and you right now" he says in a soft tone. I smile and feel relieved to know that we didn't ditch them "Um how about Victoria secrets?" I say with a grin, Daryl smiles big and bites his lip "Okay angel" he says in a tender yet seductive tone. We walk into the store and I begin to look at all the clothes Daryl pays very close attention to what I pick out "What do you think of this one Daryl?" I say as I hold up a black and red lingerie set, he gives me a grin "That would look good on you angel" he says as he bites his lip while looking at me. "Why did I even bother to ask because I already knew the answer" I say to myself as I place it into the basket and head for the register after all my items are rung up Daryl stops me from paying for my clothes "Angel I'm paying" he says in a serious tone, he pays for my clothes and we start to leave the store and I see women looking at him as if I wasn't next to him"Its irritating" I say to myself. Once we get out of the story Daryl takes notice to my irritation and kisses me "There just jealous angel" he says in a soft tender voice, I smile because I know he's my boyfriend and he loves me "Thank you Daryl" I say in a soft tone, we walk around for awhile but I get the feeling that we're being watched I look around but I don't see anyone "I don't like that" I say to myself.

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