Staying Professional

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Above is a picture of how I think Hayley
Fall would look like.
Spring Rose kept occupying my mind throughout the whole day as if my mind didn't know I had 2 other classes to teach. She was gorgeous, no scratch that she was mind blowing. Jesus Christ she even looks better than some of my ex's, I had to admit.. Oh god.. Did I really just say that? I don't even think anyone was paying as much attention to the lesson as they were to my boobs. What do you think was going to happen Hayley? That you would get some blind ass students? Uhhhh... maybe. "Alright so does anyone want to recite what I just said?" Everyone in the classroom just looked at me like some lost ghost brought up from their past. "So no one?" I repeated once again hoping that at least one person was paying attention. "Alright well since no one knows and would rather stare at my chest then pay attention to the lesson; then this is homework for tonight and do tomorrow". Everyone groans right before the bell rang for dismissal. Guess I won't be getting any normal days here either.. just great. Quickly I made it back to my seat as everyone else made their way out of the classroom. Frustratedly tired I began to run my hands threw my hair.
"Hey Ms. Fall are you alright?" Sitting up I stare my attention up at Spring. "Uhmm... yes I'm fine, what are you doing here?" I ask in a suspected question. "Uhmm I just came to ask if theirs a way I can get some help on the assignment you gave us in class" She explains. Maybe I should ask does she really need help or is she just here to see me.. Here to see you? Confident much?
"Yeah.. yeah, sure please come in and close the door after you" I mention before she gives me a surprising expression which led to a breathtaking smile. Pushing my loose strands behind my ears I explain "I don't want anyone else to stroll in after you" I say correcting myself to keep her from getting the wrong idea. She chuckles "Sorry.. that was a bit disrespectful I'm sure you've been getting that all day" she mentions before blushing right after. So I'm not in this alone.. she has been noticing me to.. "So I need help with understanding the concept of this answer". Taking the paper from her I began to go over the question before giving her the best clue to figuring it out on her own. "Grab a chair and sit down next to me please" I say before watching her follow my command.
"So, you see the question is asking you to explain what it means to you when the world is crumbling before your eyes and you cannot do nothing to prevent it, what will you do? She looks at me a bit confused, for a second there I got lost into her gorgeous light orbs again-then snapped my attention back to explaining the question in a different way. "Let's say you were put into a tragic situation and there was nothing you could do about it, what would you do during that remainder of time?".
"I would proba- before she could finish I stop her. "Ah-Ah whatever your about to say include it into the amazing story your going to be writing me tonight" I say with a smile.
Her eyes met mines once again a little too long this time before I felt her hand rest on my thigh. You better move her hand before you do something you both will regret. I kept telling myself.. but couldn't respond back fast enough. Slowly both of her hands found their way on my thighs without giving me the go or stop Your not trying to stop her anyways... Without my consent her lips met mines softly leading me into a deeper session with her over time. Slowly her hands worked their way higher, getting closer to my beating core. I didn't even realize I was now sitting in her lap kissing her hungrily without notice that school was still going on with freshmen and sophomores. I didn't wanna stop but I was sure I had to before we took this any further than it already was. Her lips met my neck before I could retaliate sending tingles down my spine before she started sucking on my most sensitive spot that soon spilled a few moans out of me that I was trying so hard to suppress from releasing. Damn.. it... Hayley you need to stop her... get it under control your her teacher.. she's your student. Quickly I got up stopping this from going any further and opened the door "Please leave..." Her focus stood on me for a few minutes in frustration before grabbing her things and making her way out. Oh god what have I done? What was I thinking ? Slouching back into the chair I just couldn't believe I let this happen. How could I let this happen? I was freaking out so bad so I called my best friend Tom. He picked up on the first call.
"Hayley what are you doing calling me at this time? now is not a good time sweetpea".
"I need to speak with you"
"Is it serious?" Sighing heavily I say "When do I ever call you if it isn't serious?".
"Baby we're going to have to continue this later" he explains over the phone to someone.
"We're you having sex before I called? Oh god.. I'm so sorry, Tom I can call back another time". I say nervously running my hands through my hair. "No fuck no! He'll be fine, we will continue after now tell me what's wrong with you honey?". How can I even go about this ? Fuck I'm such a mess...
"I kissed my student" I blurt out.
"What! Hayley your kidding right.. I mean how honey, how did this happen?"
"Tom I don't know.. it just happened.. it was a clear mistake"
"Hayley.. honey this is big, what happened.. I mean how did it happen?"
"It all happened in one day.. and -. "Wait.. What! You just met her today?"
"Yes and I've never did something like this Tom, I feel like such a fool for not trusting my gut soon enough".
"Wait honey slow down.. Hayley you've never did something like this, ever, is she that attractive i mean what is it about her that attracts you to her?
"Tom I don't know I mean she's gorgeous of course... but.. god I don't even know"
"Jesus christ.. Hayley your in deep shit. Okay when are you coming home? Because I'm coming over right now"
"Tom you don't need to do that I'm fine"
"No honey I'm fine really, me and Adam are coming over right now"
"Adam's there with you?"
"Yeah your on speaker"
"Hey Hayley!!" Adam screams out.
"Hey" I nervously say "alright I'm going to go, be home in 10". With that he hangs up.
Hayley Fall what the fuck have you gotten yourself into ?
This is the end of this chapter please let me know what you think down below of the story !! Thank you ! :)

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