CHAPTER 14: facing my demons

Start from the beginning

             It was like the first day of freshman year and Davina, once again, was sitting by herself. She was at a corner where people didn't notice her, which she was very relieved about. She had tried searching for Cade, but he was not in her first two classes, nor Elliana or Jack. Davina really wanted to see her friends, or friend, again.

             Glancing around the loud cafeteria room, Davina noticed three girls walking up to the table she was seated at and started to get nervous. No one had talked to her all day and she did not want to know what questions people may ask. She didn't want to bring up horrible memories from the past because the reason she was back was to move forward.

             The two girls looked at each other and then looked at Davina, "Can we sit here?" One said and Davina nodded. Taking their seats, Davina could sense their anxiousness.

             After a few seconds, one of the girls spoke up. "You looked lonely, so we wanted to sit with you. We've never seen your face before and we knew you were new. My name is Violet." The girl with the kind blue eyes and short black hair said.

             "My name is Audrey, we're both sophomores." Audrey had auburn hair with deep brown orbs. The two were smiling from ear to ear and it warmed Davina's heart that the two were kind enough to come sit with her. Reminded her of a memory she will always remember.

             "It's really nice for you guys to sit with me, though I'm not really... new." Davina stated. "My name is Davina."

             "Are you senior? You don't look young to be a sophomore, not saying that you look really old." Audrey smiled nervously, hoping her words didn't offend Davina.

             Davina made a small laugh and nodded, "Yeah, I am."

             "The senior class is the best. The people are so amazing and everyone adores them. Me and Audrey know everything about them, well expect you. You said you weren't new but we've never seen your face before." Violet said and she raised an eyebrow. "Why is that?"

             "I moved when I was in freshman year and I'm just coming back to finish off senior year here." Davina explained, not getting into too much detail. Then, a sudden thought popped into her head, "You guys said you know everything about the senior class right?"

             Audrey and Violet nodded their heads that were raised high in accomplishment because they considered themselves the number one people to know all information about the senior class, they treated the students like celebrities, just like everyone at Richmond High.

             "Do you know Cade Hale and if he attends this school?" Davina asked.

             "Oh, yes! Cade Hale is on vacation right now. He's suppose to be back next week." Audrey informed Davina and she was relieved. Knowing that Cade had moved to a new school would have been awful. She missed her best friend dearly.

             Davina wanted to know something about a certain boy but she was hesitant, but she proceeded to ask the two girls the question she was unsure of the answer she wanted to get. "What about Jack Avery?"

             Violet and Audrey's eyes lit up with excitement and they both looked at each other with smiles so bright they could blind you. "Jack Avery?" Violet repeated and Davina nodded.

             "The Jack Avery?" and once again, Davina nodded.

             "Jack Avery is the most popular and hottest boy in school." Violet told Davina, which she already knew. Violet smiled talking about Jack, but then her smiled faltered and gave Davina a sad smile, "Well I mean was, he doesn't attend Richmond anymore."

             Once the information settled in her brain, Davina frowned. She thought she wanted the answer she was given because it would have made her whole situation easy. She could avoid Jack and never talk to him about why she left. Davina couldn't face him after leaving without even saying goodbye. She didn't want to face him after he received the letter she told Cade to give him. She would have to explain too many things. But now, she wanted to take it all back. Davina wanted to see Jack again.

             "When did he leave?" Davina asked.

             "Two years ago, middle of our freshman year and Jack's sophomore year. He left because he joined a band." Audrey stated and once Davina heard the words come out of her mouth, her eyebrows flew up.

             "What? Jack Avery– in a band?" Davina exclaimed in surprise. She scoffed and smiled.

             "Yeah, they're really famous now and all of the boys are hot. They're songs are just amazing. They actually just released their first album."

             Jack made it. He really made it. Davina said to herself. She was beyond proud of Jack. She couldn't believe he was in a band, but she knew that Jack was talented and that one day, he would achieve all the hopes and dreams them two always talked about.

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